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At the Feet of The Mother


A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (AUDIO IN HINDI)
Life and creation could have blossomed beautifully and happily but something has come in between our true divine nature and our fallen self. A shadow falls upon our life shutting our doors to the pure, simple, natural joy divine.
Dr Alok Pandey and Narad on Savitri (VIDEO)
His words were syllables of the cosmos' speech, His life a field of the vast cosmic stir. He felt the footsteps of a million wills Moving in unison to a single goal.
There is a cry the world over pointing at the damage and the harm that we humans have caused to the earth. Several measures are being suggested, but we have to understand the deeper reasons. The Mother and Sri Aurobindo not only foresaw all this, but also shared the vision of the Future.
Dr Alok Pandey and Narad on Savitri (VIDEO)
A Bliss, a Light, a Power, a flame-white Love Caught all into a sole immense embrace; Existence found its truth on Oneness' breast And each became the self and space of all.
Practical aspects of human relationships and how to make them beautiful. We play with perceptions and thereby falsify the truth of our relationships.
Dr Alok Pandey and Narad on Savitri (VIDEO)
As one who sets his sail towards mysteried shores Driven through huge oceans by the breath of God, The fathomless below, the unknown around, His soul abandoned the blind star-field, Space.
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (AUDIO IN HINDI)
Even though darkness and shadows have occupied the fields of God here, yet there is Light that grows within earth’s breast. It declares itself in various ways leading man’s ascension towards the Eternal.