“O spirit, traveller of eternity,
Who cam'st from the immortal spaces here
Armed for the splendid hazard of thy life
To set thy conquering foot on Chance and Time
Death once again tries to dissuade Savitri from holding on to her aspiration of perfecting earthly life. He wants to impress upon her the fruitlessness of the human toil.
Fight in order to conquer and triumph; fight to overcome everything that was till today, to make the new Light spring forth, the new Example the world needs. Fight stubbornly against all obstacles, inner or outer. It is the pearl of great price which is offered for thy Realisation
Still like a statue on its pedestal,
Lone in the silence and to vastness bared,
Against midnight’s dumb abysses piled in front
A columned shaft of fire and light she rose.
Renunciation has often been regarded as an important corner-stone of spiritual life, and this has often led to the impression of a gulf between the spiritual and material existence. Today's talk is centered around the truth behind Renunciation, its real nature and place in the Integral Yoga.
The gods are still too few in mortal forms.”
The Voice withdrew into its hidden skies.
But like a shining answer from the gods
Approached through sun-bright spaces Savitri.