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At the Feet of The Mother


The Sunlit Path
The more you give yourself to the Divine the more He is with you, totally, constantly, at every minute, in all your thoughts, all your needs, and there is no aspiration which does not receive an immediate answer.
This talk is centred around one of the major experiences of Sri Aurobindo with Lele Maharaj in Baroda. Today's poems include Adwaita,  Parabrahman, Nirvana and Surrender (their full text is listed inside). 
A Talk in Hindi (audio)
Though there is no hard and fast rule followed in integral yoga, yet the swiftest and safest way is self-giving. Give all you have, give all you do and lastly give all you are - this is what is asked in the path of supramental yoga.
Karmayogin was launched by Sri Aurobindo on the 19th June 1909 six weeks after his acquittal from the Alipore trial case. The person who came out of the prison was a Jivanmukta and Karmayogi. The name of the journal that he now launched was perfectly apt.