This prayer noted just before the Mother’s first arrival to Pondicherry reveals to us how much she was already identified with the Divine.
March 28, 1914
From the time we started and every day more and more, in all things we can see Thy divine intervention, everywhere Thy law is expressed, and I need all my inner conviction to feel that this is perfectly natural, so that I do not pass from wonder to wonder.
At no moment do I feel that I am living outside Thee and never have the horizons appeared vaster to me and the depths at once more luminous and unfathomable. Grant, O Divine Teacher, that we may know and accomplish our mission upon earth better and better, more and more, that we may make full use of all the energies that are in us, and Thy sovereign Presence become manifest ever more perfectly in the silent depths of our soul, in all our thoughts, all our feelings, all our actions.
I find it almost strange to speak to Thee, so much is it Thou who livest in me, thinkest and lovest.
About Savitri | B1C3-05 Progress of Man Towards Divine Superhumanity (pp.26-27)