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At the Feet of The Mother

January 06, 1914 (PM 092)

This prayer reveals to us the nature of the Supreme Reality.

January 6, 1914

THOU art the sole goal of my life and the centre of my aspiration, the pivot of my thoughts, the key of my synthesis; and as Thou art beyond all sensation, all feeling and all thought, Thou art the living but ineffable experience, the Reality lived in the depths of the being but untranslatable into our poor words; and it is because the human mind is powerless to reduce Thee to a formula, that some — with a little disdain — treat as “sentiment” the knowledge which it is possible to have of Thee, but which is certainly as far from sentiment it is from thought. So long as we have not attained to this supreme knowledge, we have no solid base and no enduring center for a mental and emotional synthesis, and all other intellectual construction cannot but be arbitrary, artificial and futile.

Thou art, in so far as we can perceive Thee, eternal silence and perfect peace.

Thou art all the perfection that we have to acquire, all the marvels that are to be realised, all the splendour that is to be manifested.

And all our words are only the prattle of children when we venture to speak of Thee.

In silence is the greatest respect.

The text above is quoted from the Third Edition, 1954 (translation by Rishabhchand Samsukha)
This book is freely available at https://www.auro-ebooks.com/prayers-and-meditations-1954-edition/


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