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At the Feet of The Mother

Why so many masters are considered ‘the last avatars’ in their tradition? It is a matter of disciple’s ego?

Q: You say Sri Aurobindo is the last avatar and Savitri is the ultimate scripture, but for Mussulmans Mohammad is the last prophet and the quran is the only book, while sikhs say Guru Nanak is the all time greatest. Is it not the disciples ego to declared this without knowing declaring who is the greatest?

ALOKDA: It is perfectly fine for a disciple to see the Supreme in one’s own Master as this helps him to go beyond the physical and other limitations of his Guru. That has been the wisdom of the Ages endorsed by all who have gone before us. It is rather the sign of the disciple’s ego that refuses to acknowledge the Master through whom he has been called to the path as the representative of the Divine and chooses instead his own mental yardsticks and standards to either judge the Master or else to go Master hopping. To each his own ego.

But the comparision drawn between the followers of the Quran and the Bible is incorrect since they add that this alone and no other. It is this exclusivity that opens the doors to fundamentalism and even fanaticism leading to all kinds of evil in the name of one’s Master. It is perfectly fine to see one’s own Master as the Ultimate for oneself but to impose this upon others, worse still try to convert others by force or lure or for that matter even look down upon them condescendingly for out of superior pride is surely the sign of the ego. But to impersonally look at the merits and demerits of a book and a religious movement is a step to go beyond it. That kind of blind indiscriminate and undiscerning equality that assumes all Masters and Books to be the same and equal is only another kind of blindness.

That apart as to the place of Sri Aurobindo and Savitri in the history of spiritual evolution, it is something that can be easily ascertained by an impartial view of things, of his life and works and teachings. Sri Aurobindo and Savitri does not need anyone to reveal who they are. All that is needed is sufficient unbiased discernment even as an outsider to see what they stand for.

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