June 9, 1914
Lord, I am before Thee like an offering a flame in the blazing fire of the divine union….
And what is thus before Thee is all the stones of this house and all it contains, all those who cross its threshold and all who see it, all who are connected with it in any way and from one to another the whole earth.
From this centre, this burning hearth which is now and shall be more and more permeated with Thy light and with Thy love, Thy forces will radiate over all the earth, visibly and invisibly in the hearts of all and in their thoughts…
Such is the assurance Thou givest me in answer to my aspiration for Thee.
An immense wave of love descends over all things and penetrates all things.
Peace, peace upon all the earth, victory, plenitude, wonder…
O beloved children, unhappy and ignorant, O thou, rebellious and violent Nature, open your hearts, calm your forces, for here comes the sweet omnipotence of Love, here is the pure radiance of the light that penetrates you. This human hour, this earthly hour is beautiful over all other hours. Let each and all know it and rejoice in the plenitude that is given.
O sorrowful hearts and careworn brows, foolish obscurity and ignorant ill-will, let your anguish be calmed and effaced.
Lo, the splendour of the new word arrives:
“Here am I.”
[Prayers and Meditations of the Mother]
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