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At the Feet of The Mother

The Golden Key to Integration

Supermind is the key to integrate Earth and Heaven but it is too much beyond the range of our present human nature. Though the tapasya of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo has brought this rather inaccessible Power closer to us yet it is not easy to apply this Key to unlock the mysteries of our Earth nature. The locks of nature that shut the free play of Spirit out are too rusted and stuck in fixed grooves to easily allow the action of the Supramental Force without much damage. For if the Supermind applies its full Force then nature may well break down under the pressure rather than transform. That would leave the work unaccomplished. Therefore, we have to first apply that other key which is close within our reach, – the psychic being, so that nature can be purified to an extent and be made ready to bear the Supramental Force. But though it is within our reach it is yet not easy to find this key. The discovery takes long and is itself fraught with dangers as we pass through intermediate zones between our surface nature where we are locked by the sense-mind and the depths where the soul dwells hidden from our surface nature’s routes. The path to this discovery is long and needs great patience and courage, an unflinching perseverance unwilling to give up the search in the face of contrary appearances.

And yet the far can come near and the difficult become easy! But for this we have to hand over our life and our works, our actions and our emotions, our thoughts and impulsions in the hands of the Divine Mother with a prayer and aspiration to mould us into the divine way of living. Then the Mother becomes at once like a shield that protects us from our weaknesses and resistances that rise up from the unseen parts of our nature against the envisaged change. She holds our hands and carries us safe in Her heart of boundless Compassion and fathomless Love, dealing with our nature with the utmost patience of a father and the utmost care and love of a mother. She leads us each according to our natures and knows when and where to put pressure and when and where to hold back the fullness of the Supramental Glory. Not only that, She prepares us for receiving the Light and Truth of the Supramental Consciousness. At Her very call, the hidden soul in us rushes to step forward and greet Her as a child rushes on hearing its mother’s long-awaited voice. All efforts and methods and techniques then fuse into one single thing. It is to open oneself more and more to the Mother, to live for Her sake, to love Her more and more and to serve Her more and more. Nothing else and nothing more is then needed and the hoped for, longed for change draws near faster than imagined as base metal changes into gold by the alchemist’s touch.

This is the great Secret. The secret of Divine Grace and when that Grace, that Love embodies Itself in a human body as the incarnate Divine then this secret wears a more approachable Face. To do the integral yoga by one’s own efforts or even a superhuman tapasya is near impossible. It is trying to fly straight into the heart of the sun with wings that are mortal and yet hope to survive! But there is a way, a sweeter and safer, even simpler way. It is to let Her carry us under Her wings that take upon Herself the intense heat but let the warmth pass on to us in regulated dosage until we can bear more and more. That needs another kind of effort if we like. It needs trust and surrender, a call from the heart and love and devotion, faith and sincerity, above all the openness and candour of a child that hides nothing and turns to the Mother for everything with the full confidence that the Mother knows best and will do what is best for him.

And indeed, it is so. Soon he discovers that his life takes on a different hue when he thus gives himself to the Divine Mother and with confidence in Her leading walks the path She carves out for him. Handing over the entire responsibility of his destiny into Her safe and strong hands, he walks from freedom to greater freedom, Light to greater Light, joy to greater Joy. To him nothing is impossible since he has yoked his limited strengths and faltering will to the limitless and the infinite.

You may open millions of hospitals, that will not prevent people from getting ill. On the contrary, they will have every facility and encouragement to fall ill.