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At the Feet of The Mother

Songs of the Soul: October 10, 2024

Mother Divine,
Root out from us all petty egoism and selfishness that are spread out in the very stuff of our life like slippery grains hoping us to stumble or to mix in the pure wine of Thy Divine Bliss drops of bitter poison. But what defects or difficulties can stay before the inrush of Thy all-transfiguring Love that washes away all impurities and even the most sticky stains of the past. Indeed Thy Grace cleanses us so completely that not only the tendencies that forge the iron chain of karma are gone but even the consequences of the past are dissolved as if by a magic solvent. The difficulties that assail us for decades (or perhaps lives) are broken in a moment by the action of Thy Grace making one wonder how illusory is our feeling of incapacity. This illusion arises because of our sense of separateness, and it is needed if we regard ourselves as separate from Thee. For there cannot be anything limitless for one who is ‘separate’. But for one whom Thou hast adopted and has tied to Thee forever there can be no limit to what is possible. For one carried by Thee, life becomes a beautiful song of the soul, the long and difficult journey turns into a perpetual delight, the stones on the way become steps of the ascension and the thorns turn as if magically into flowers yielding their secret truth.

O Mother Divine, Thy Grace is indeed infinite and Thy Power is limitless. It is we who refuse to open due to insufficient faith, it is we who aspire for little like beggars asking for small doles before the King of kings. Or we give up soon driven by impatience of our longings that come between You and us like bars of a prison.

Open us, O Mother Divine to Thy limitless Peace and Light. Open the prison of the ego, break us free from the bars of desire. Let our flight be Thy infinity and eternity.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

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