Sweet Mother, Mother Divine, Thou hast placed a priceless treasure, a beautiful jewel lamp in the heart of all creatures. This lamp has been lit by a ray of Thy Light and hence it never goes out. How much the blinding storm may ever try to extinguish it, how much the mantle of darkness may ever cover it, even when its light is not visible on the surface and to the surface eye of man, it is there, burning in the depths at the portals of the soul, guarding it against the assaults of darkness. It is the jewel lamp of faith that Thou has lit up in the human heart.
When something of its light enters the narrow passages of the mind, it turns into fixed belief. When it is darkened by human obscurity and denseness, it changes into fanaticism. Yet moved by this light, men have happily sacrificed everything including their life for an ideal whose victory they never saw, for a truth they could not grasp, for a cause they did not understand. Faith is indeed the pilgrim staff on the journey, the support and the safety on the uncertain roads of Time.
Maa, give this Faith to all, a Faith, complete and unshakable in Thy Victory.
Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa