Mother Divine, Maa when we glimpse the places that man has not yet made his habitation and compare it with human settlements, one can see what the mind has done with nature and with life upon earth in general. Worse still, what man has done to himself, his own life. Our mental intelligence colluding with an animal nature has made human life so much worse. There are medicines and sophisticated surgery but less and less natural immunity. There are complex designs, bridges and buildings but man lives within these as if trapped in the prison of his ego. He has gathered so much knowledge of the processes of life but not yet its purpose and, while his knowledge has helped him in certain ways, it is at the expense of other, often more crucial things. His means of communication has only estranged him further as he finds himself alone in a world full of people. A multiplication of comforts have robbed him of inner Peace and the joy of being in nature. To acquire more comforts and latest gadgets he is caught in a race held in the noose of money that has become the measure of success and even the basis of relationships.
Poverty, poverty, what an abject darkness and poverty this civilisation has been plunged into in the name of success and progress. On the brink, it is staring at the abyss. What a net of falsehood that has wired the cities with all its amenities and comforts. Yet amidst all this, Thou art here, Sri Aurobindo is here, and Your immortal message that beckons us to rise to a greater higher diviner life. O Hope of hopes, O hope of this lost civilisation, in the name of Earth and its creatures, we implore Thee to save us from this self-chosen doom.
O Hope supreme, O refuge of the lost world and a humanity that has strayed from its straight path. Pull us out of these artificial glares we mistake for the Sun.
Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa
About Savitri | B1C3-11 Towards Unity with God (pp.31-33)