Mother Divine, Maa, this triple knot of ignorance binds man to pain and suffering holding him captive as a beast at stake for sacrifice. The knot of mind limits our understanding and creates confusion and miscomprehension with its consequence of disharmony and disorder. The knot of life keeps us tied down to little aims and dwarf desires preventing the free expansion of our soul. The knot of body, the most severe of all, keeps us bound to death, disease and pain. All our remedies will be temporary as long these knots remain.
Maa, may this way of life, a life lived in ignorance, a life of smallness centered around the little ego change into a life lived for Thee, firmly established and secure in Thee, moved by Thee.
May these iron bands give way and be replaced by the diamond threads of Thy Love.
Maa, may these chains that prevent us from realising the ideal and fulfilling the dreams of the soul drop away as illusions without any reality.
Maa, Maa, Maa, may we realise the freedom that comes through union with Thee. Let the illusion of separateness vanish completely and all our being recover the lost unity.
Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa