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At the Feet of The Mother

Songs of the Soul: December 16, 2024

Mother Divine, Love is the diamond thread that ties all creation together in a rhythm of beauty and joy. Love is the golden link between the different elements of creation, the power that labours most to lift creation out of its dark fallen state towards the Creator. But it is not easy to hold its flame. It is easily spent as we care for it least. Besides our human vessels are so weak and small, so fragile and crudely built that it is difficult to harbour it for long. A great wideness and strength is needed to contain it, a capacity to sacrifice that is so rare, a freedom from all selfishness and meanness. A large and generous and consecrated heart that is a temple of luminous sacrifice, a wide mind and a strong but purified force of life are best vehicles to carry it. Yet it is only when we receive Thy touch and Thy alchemist Energy transmutes our human vessel that Love can truly find its temple and abode in us.

Maa, let the bud of Love bloom in the human heart. Our mind driven by cold analysis, our senses wronged by violent pleasures, our life moved increasingly by machines suffers the lack of this most important Energy, the force of Love. Where Love is not, there joy cannot stay for long. Where Love is not, harmony cannot be born. Where Love is not the seed of Truth and Wisdom cannot arrive at its full fruition. Where Love is not, strength remains crude and brutal. Where Love is not beauty becomes a deception and a snare.

Maa let the bud of Love bloom in the desert of the human heart. May the bud grow into the fullness of the deathless Rose.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

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