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At the Feet of The Mother

Phantoms of the Past

We move ever towards the New and the Unknown. But the New is not always new even as the old is not always old.

The New may be a rediscovery by another age of the old much as a child ‘discovers’ and is thrilled with discovering what his parents and grandparents already know.
The old too may be a partial glimpse ahead of Time of that which the race must realize much later. The dreams of Leonardo Da Vinci were not old and the ancient legends of Daedalus and Icarus were precursors of the Future. The Vedic Rishis and the Chaldean mystics foresaw something that the race was yet to experience. Krishna is still alive in the psychological spaces of man waiting for his call to be heard. Christ and Buddha wait on the threshold of our inner being for humanity to receive their message rightly.

Therefore, as we enter into the New and the Unknown future, we should carefully discern the surviving ghosts and phantoms of a slain past from the early blush of a forthcoming Dawn. The first leads us back to the cycles that have exhausted their purpose, the second to endless new discoveries.