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At the Feet of The Mother

Notes on Integral Health

The vision of Integral Health is based on an integral understanding of man. The truths of integral healing are derived from Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga and his Guidance along with the Mother, on various aspects of health and healing. Taken in its totality, it is a comprehensive guidance on each and every aspect of human existence, right from our bodily to the highest spiritual existence. Sri Aurobindo’s teaching also reconnects man, the mental being, to his larger cosmic and Divine existence. In this total vision we do not see things and events in isolation but as part of a larger movement of Nature towards realizing greater and greater degree of Perfection through the various forms She has evolved so far.

The human body is one such form and though, largely still of an animal make, it hides within itself new, higher and greater possibilities that are bound to emerge in due course of Time. However, unlike the animal, man can collaborate in the process through an integral yoga.

Or he can resist the change.

The result is an evolutionary conflict that we experience within and around. The past and the future both act upon man. He feels the pull of the dark subconscient energies accumulated and inherited from the earth’s past. He also feels drawn, however vaguely, to the bright Superconscient which is Earth’s Destiny. In man these two currents meet, often in disharmony with each other. He is caught between the forces of ‘natural’ disintegration and the forces of New Creation which visit his heart and mind thereby creating hope, idealism and dreams of a better humanity and earth. It is this inner conflict that is the primary cause of disharmony in man. Humanity experiences it as an inner ‘unease’ and a ‘ restless urge’ to find ‘something’ or ‘someone’ who can give it the much needed Peace and Joy and Truth and Freedom and Love. At first he seeks these things outside through objects and persons and outer circumstances. But as he evolves and becomes aware of a larger subjective existence within himself, he seeks them inside, in the spaces of his inner being. But until he has found the right balance between the inner and the outer, his ‘unease’ has a tendency to precipitate into a ‘disease’. The disease serves to remind him that there is a need to rediscover the threads of his life and to reorient them. It is in fact, an evolutionary door if we thus use it.