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At the Feet of The Mother

Are Three Madonnas in Savitri Related to the Four Great Aspects of the Divine Mother?

The Madonnas are the triple soul forces or the three modes of nature – sattwa, rajas, tamas – through which the soul expresses itself presently in the lower nature.
Savitri encounters each one of them and promises that she will return with the power of transformation and change them into the equivalent forces of a higher Supernature, – tamas into self-existent peace, rajas into luminous Force of the Divine and sattwa into the light and delight of God.

The four aspects are cosmic powers that govern creation and prepares it for the transformation.

Of course, the triple modes of lower nature eventually derive their power from the four cosmic powers just as the individual soul is a miniature representation of the Universal Divine. Thus,
– Mahakali and Mahalakshmi are parents of rajoguna, Madonna of Might that helps us struggle and fight and enjoy,
– Maheswari is the parent of sattwaguna, the Madonna of Light, and
– Mahasaraswati is the parent of the Madonna of suffering that helps us endure suffering and pain.

In the human system these powers get diverted from their true purpose and distorted due to the ego and ignorance. That is what is revealed to us through the echo in the abyss.

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Between the age of eighteen and twenty I had attained a conscious and constant union with the divine Presence and that I had done it all alone.