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At the Feet of The Mother

An Inconclusive Play

An inconclusive play is Reason’s toil.

Each strong idea can use her as its tool;
Accepting every brief she pleads her case.

Open to every thought, she cannot know.

The eternal Advocate seated as judge
Armours in logic’s invulnerable mail
A thousand combatants for Truth’s veiled throne
And sets on a high horse-back of argument
To tilt for ever with a wordy lance
In a mock tournament where none can win.

Assaying thought’s values with her rigid tests
Balanced she sits on wide and empty air,
Aloof and pure in her impartial poise.

Absolute her judgments seem but none is sure;
Time cancels all her verdicts in appeal.

Although like sunbeams to our glow-worm mind
Her knowledge feigns to fall from a clear heaven,
Its rays are a lantern’s lustres in the Night;
She throws a glittering robe on Ignorance.

[Savitri: Book Two Canto 10]

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