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At the Feet of The Mother

Lyrical Poems

Aravinda Maheshwari recites 42 Lyrical Poems.
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"In the greatness of a man, in music’s outspread wings, in a touch, in a smile,in a sound, Something that waits, something that wanders and settles not, a Nothing that was all and is found."
O star of creation pure and free, Halo-moon of ecstasy unknown,
O marvel bird with the burning wings of light and the unbarred lids that look beyond all space, One strange leap of thy mystic stress breaking the barriers of mind and life, arrives at its luminous term thy flight;
This was the closed mute and burning source Whence were formed the worlds and their star-dance; Life sprang a self-rapt inconscient Force, Love, a blazing seed, from that flame-trance.
“I, Earth, have a deeper power than Heaven; My lonely sorrow surpasses its rose-joys, A red and bitter seed of the raptures seven; — My dumbness fills with echoes of a far Voice."
Once again thou hast climbed, O moon, like a white fire on the glimmering edge, Floating up, floating up from the haunted verge of a foam-tremulous sea
When Light first from the unconscious Immense burst to create nebula and sun ‘Twas the meeting of our hands through the empty Night that enkindled the fateful blaze
Earth is now girdled with trance and Heaven is put round her for vesture. Wings that are brilliant with fate sleep at Eternity’s gate. Time waits, vacant, the Lightning that kindles, the Word that transfigures; Space is a stillness of God building his earthly abode.