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At the Feet of The Mother

Essays on Yoga


"... there never was any antagonism in India between the religious life and the spiritual one, between rituals and the real. One was seen as a step towards the other."
An Essay by Dr Alok Pandey (TEXT)
Some would say that a new year is after all a convention. In a certain sense everything is a convention, a habit or a pattern woven into our thoughts and beliefs. The universe is born anew each moment and there is nothing in us that repeats the hour that is left behind.
An article by Dr Alok Pandey
Sri Rama and Sri Krishna are fulfilled in Sri Aurobindo, as with this New Force is the power to transform the animal in us into a vehicle of the Divine Force and convert the Asura in us through the one and only all-powerful agency of the Divine Mother’s Love.
An essay by Dr Alok Pandey (TEXT)
It is the earth that must be saved, it is humanity that must outgrow itself into something beautiful and divine. So shall it be is the great promise. Keeping that promise and assurance ringing in our heart we must fearlessly cross the perilous bridge and leap towards the future, the time taken notwithstanding.
An essay by Dr Alok Pandey (TEXT)
The bodily cage gone, it is Her eternal Presence, not just the inner Presence, not even the Supramental Presence on that high plane beyond Time and Timelessness, but Her eternal Presence established in Her New Body that is now here in our midst.
the need of the hour is the way of the Gita, the path shown to us by Sri Aurobindo, - the path that leads us to the reintegration of the Spiritual and material aspects of life, the path that unites God and world, Soul and nature in a harmonious embrace.