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At the Feet of The Mother

Essays on Yoga


An Article by Dr Alok Pandey
More and more souls are walking towards the New World, while some have already entered and started living there and operating from the New World and its New Consciousness.
People do not touch upon such core issues of life as relationships largely because of ignorance and fear. They hardly invest time and energy in anything beyond their little area of work. understand His play we must first free our minds of all conceptions and notions and even systems of beliefs and philosophies and ideologies that have imprisoned Him in cages of thought, painting the bars with colours of our fancies and desires.
It is always helpful to spend some time in quiet reflection about what we here to do. It may take some time but it is worth the effort. Otherwise we lead a borrowed life, a life that is no more ours, an artificial life so to say.
We are all born with an original script of life with our soul’s and God’s signature upon it. This original script of destiny is often buried under a heap of artificial goals determined by others, or corrupted by the virus of ambition, greed and lust.
Each of us must face our own share of failures and falls. The difference between human beings however lies in how we deal with these failures.