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At the Feet of The Mother

Essays on Yoga


An Essay by Dr Alok Pandey (TEXT IN ENGLISH)
"The 4th April is the Ashram New Year, date of Sri Aurobindo’s arrival in Pondicherry." The Mother
Since the Divine dwells within man, the Guru also dwells within man. All Gurus in fact derive from this aspect from the Divine and are His conscious or half-conscious representatives. However, since it is difficult for man to discover the Divine Master within, He comes to us in a human form.
The soul is a seed of the Divine that has come from the Divine into this world of ignorance and pain where darkness and unconsciousness and falsehood and death presently reign. The purpose of this implantation is precisely to change this world into a world of Truth and Light and Bliss and the marvel it is meant to be.
Life as it organized today without a doubt seems like a cruel joke we play upon ourselves. Whatever justifications we may give it is largely driven by money which caters to only some outer comforts.