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At the Feet of The Mother

Essays on Yoga


Central Sincerity refers to the fundamental reason or purpose for which the yoga is being undertaken.
Another year has arrived, hopefully on the wings of change. In a certain sense, New Year is a convention hiding within it the truth of the cyclic movement of Time.
Unlike in ordinary life where the stress is on modifying outer behaviour to suit our vested interests, yoga insists first on an inner change.
Even as we step into the New Year, it will be good to remember that this Light that we take for granted, has been prepared by those who kept a vigil while we slept peacefully in our comfort zones.
Text in English
The return of the Light, though seemingly a repetition, is yet, like the changing of the seasons through blossoming in spring time, toil and effort during summer and the cleansing rains during the monsoons before the slow withdrawal during winters, also a forward movement.
A time comes when the surrender enters its perfection and it becomes impossible for us to act from any personal motive. All we think and feel and will and do becomes a constant flow of Her Light and Love and Harmony and Bliss.