The Universal Mother whom countless yogis have come in contact with and found the royal path to liberation from the bonds of fear and ignorance, She is everywhere and in everything.
The first thing needed is to open some window, however small, so that from time to time we can have a little glimpse and breathe a little air and let in a little sunshine without which one begins to experience stifled even possessing everything else in the world.
The vital needs to be both refined and strengthened. Art, music, poetry are some of the ways of refining the vital. On the other hand, exercise, sports, games, deep breathing methods help strengthen the vital.
Much of what happens in our life is not final or permanent. It is a training ground for something else, something greater and better that is yet to come.
Everything upon earth ultimately uses a physical pathway because that is how all manifestation takes place here. The hub of these pathways is the brain and the nervous system.