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At the Feet of The Mother

Daily Offerings from Alokda

How do I read Savitri – aloud or silent, how much, when, do I need a dictionary?

Most of all enjoy Savitri. It is Sri Aurobindo’s gift of Love to the world. Read it from the heart with love and gratitude as companions and drown in its fiery bliss. That is the true understanding rather than one that comes by a constant churning of words in the head.

Best would be to fix a time that works for you. One can always take out some time for the reading, even if it be late at night when one is done with all the daily works. Of course, a certain receptivity is needed. If one is too tired or the reading becomes too mechanical as a ritual routine to be somehow finished it tends to be less effective, as with anything else. Hence the advice is to read in a quiet receptive state.

As to the pace of reading it is best to slowly build up and keep it steady. To read a page or a passage daily is better than reading many pages one day and then few lines or none for days. This brings a certain discipline in the consciousness which makes one receptive. What it means is that one should fix up that one would read a few passages or a page or two daily, and then if an odd day one is enjoying and spontaneously wants to read more then one can go by the flow.

It is best to read at least once from cover to cover. But if one is not feeling inclined for that do read some of the beautiful cantos and passages whose reference one can find in various places. This helps us familiarise with the epic and the style of poetry. Later one can go for the cover to cover reading.

One can read it silently. Loud reading is needed only if one is unable to focus with silent reading. A mantra is more potent when read subtly. I am aware that some people recommend reading it aloud which is fine if that helps one better. A certain flexibility in these things is always good and rigid rules either ways are not helpful.

One can also write some of the beautiful passages with which one feels suddenly connected. It is a help in the yoga since such a writing involves the pouring in of the consciousness of Savitri through the brain and nerves and the hand.

Reflecting upon some of these magnificent lines and passages while one is engaged in one\s daily activities helps to create a background state for our inner being to get absorbed in Savitri more and more.

It is helpful if a brief background about the Canto is known. This helps the mind top focus and also to keep in sync with the overall scene and sense of what is being read.

But it is best not to keep referring to the dictionary while reading. Let the overall sense emerge. Specifics can be done during a detailed reading later and it may not be necessary at all. Besides the sense that Sri Aurobindo has given to many words may not be accurately conveyed by the standard dictionaries. A flexibility is required to understand the subtle suggestions hinted at by the Master-poet.

In this sense Savitri is in the line of Vedic poetry using images that are at once profound as well as commonplace. That is the beauty of mystic poetry. These are things actually experienced and seen by Sri Aurobindo, and ultimately it is Their Grace that alone can reveal the intrinsic sense of this supreme revelation of the Supreme.

God’s Lover Has No Ill Will

It is strange that some have portrayed God as a strict disciplinarian or a stern judge. Surely they know Him not nor have felt His infinite Grace and Love. Were He to stop loving then creation itself would collapse.

Were He to punish then it would be like punishing Himself, for when we suffer it is He who takes this suffering upon Himself.

That is why a God lover can never have any ill will for anyone – he knows that it is his Beloved on whom he throws it and adds to His Lover’s burden and work.

Songs of the Soul: December 16, 2024

Mother Divine, Love is the diamond thread that ties all creation together in a rhythm of beauty and joy. Love is the golden link between the different elements of creation, the power that labours most to lift creation out of its dark fallen state towards the Creator. But it is not easy to hold its flame. It is easily spent as we care for it least. Besides our human vessels are so weak and small, so fragile and crudely built that it is difficult to harbour it for long. A great wideness and strength is needed to contain it, a capacity to sacrifice that is so rare, a freedom from all selfishness and meanness. A large and generous and consecrated heart that is a temple of luminous sacrifice, a wide mind and a strong but purified force of life are best vehicles to carry it. Yet it is only when we receive Thy touch and Thy alchemist Energy transmutes our human vessel that Love can truly find its temple and abode in us.

Maa, let the bud of Love bloom in the human heart. Our mind driven by cold analysis, our senses wronged by violent pleasures, our life moved increasingly by machines suffers the lack of this most important Energy, the force of Love. Where Love is not, there joy cannot stay for long. Where Love is not, harmony cannot be born. Where Love is not the seed of Truth and Wisdom cannot arrive at its full fruition. Where Love is not, strength remains crude and brutal. Where Love is not beauty becomes a deception and a snare.

Maa let the bud of Love bloom in the desert of the human heart. May the bud grow into the fullness of the deathless Rose.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Sri Aurobindo says the Mother was born free – what does it mean?

Born Free means having no desires and being conscious of the Soul and its purpose. It also means free from all preconceived ideas and notions with no specific bondage or attachment to any form or mode of life. Moksha is only one aspect of it which means freedom from Ignorance, someone who knows who one really is. But even those who have attained Moksha and are inwardly free may yet remain tied to certain ideas in the mind or to a certain country or religion of their birth.

Difficulties are always there upon earthly life. The Seers, Yogis, Avatars all have difficulties, both in the nature as well as outside and around them. If you see the life of Avatars and even God realised persons, especially the Avatar, you will see them having more difficulties than the average person. Their burden is much greater because they are bearing it for many and not just their own.

There are rare souls who can return after Moksha but once upon earth they have to face the challenges. However, being conscious within they go through the difficulties differently and more consciously. Born free or returning after Moksha is not synonymous with the Avatar which is a special Divine Manifestation for a specific earthly work.

The Sheer Delight and the Utter Joy of God’s Embrace

Pain is the touch of God pushing us out of our small comfort zones and embrace His vastness.

Pleasure is the snare of God alluring us with transient toys that train us in the nursery stage of the soul.

When the soul has done with both, learnt to shun the snare of pleasure and discovered the Grace in all that once brought pain, then it is ready for sheer delight and the utter joy of God’s embrace.

Songs of the Soul: December 15, 2024

Mother Divine, Maa, more and more one sees that man does not want the gifts that Thou hast brought for us. Man is too busy with his small gains and losses. His life is driven by little selfish aims, and yet, there is in man something that does seek Thee, even wants Thee. But he is not ready to pay the price. Mankind wants everything that God wants to give him but he wants it the lazy way. He has become worshipper of the easy path.

Maa, it is only Thy Grace that can remove this state of tamas, perhaps through a wake up call or a little shake up.

Maa, may we all awaken to the true needs, the one need that is to find and express Thee. Let all else fade and drop away like a dry leaf and only this one need remain, – Thee and Thee alone.

Thou, nothing else but Thou, Thou, Thyself everywhere and in everything.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

What are the special techniques and which experiences should I anticipate in this Yoga?

There is no special technique to it.
The goal is to remember Her in a way that one completely forgets oneself.
For this one chooses either the heart (centre of the chest) or the head (anywhere) or both to fix one’s concentration on Her Name and Form.
It takes years and years and one has to go on patiently.
It is best not to monitor or focus on what is happening within oneself.
The Divine knows our heart and will reveal whenever She Wills and the way She Wills.
There should be no over-eagerness for any experience, just the joy of remembrance.
It takes long… one has to wait whatever time it takes.

Temple and Abode

There are moments when the heart feels sad and weeps within though the eyes are not moist.

Bare not your heart to the world nor turn it into hard stone, but rather offer it at Her Feet.

She will wash it then of all possibility of pain and turn our tears into pearls of strength.

Then our consecrated heart will become Her Temple and Abode where Beauty and Delight dwell hand in hand making us immune to all suffering and pain.

Songs of the Soul: December 14, 2024

Mother Divine, Maa, amidst the trudge and tramp of life, amidst the apparent waste and the seeming aimless drift of men Thou art there. Thou art there not only as a guiding light but a dynamic Presence, correcting the anomalies of Space, wiping the errors of Time, turning our blindness into the steps of Light. And it is not from some distant summits that you govern us but as one closer than our heartbeats, more intimate than our breath. It is because of You that men can hope and dare even in the most impossible situations. It is because of You that knowledge grows in the fields of ignorance and good can be reaped from the soil of evil. It is because of You that the souls of men can climb to God and discover immortality in the house of death.

Without You, life would be nothing more than an insect that has grown two wings to fly but whose life is simply engaged in catching food. With Thee, even desert is a paradise and the stones of life steps that lead us to Thee.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa.