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At the Feet of The Mother

The Coming Together

The coming together of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo marks the end of a long journey that creation or rather Nature has taken in upraising the material world progressively to a level wherein a new and higher creation can begin. As the Veda reveals to us it is the Divine Mother who had gone into the darkness of the Inconscience identifying fully with the obscurity of the most material substrate, the grossest and densest form of Matter so that the seed of Godhead can flower in Time and Space. It is this sacrifice of the Divine Mother that has built this many-toned rainbow hued world. Sri Aurobindo refers to it in Savitri thus:

Our life is a holocaust of the Supreme.
The great World-Mother by her sacrifice
Has made her soul the body of our state;
Accepting sorrow and unconsciousness
Divinity’s lapse from its own splendours wove
The many-patterned ground of all we are. [Savitri: 99]

The Divine Mother’s Advent marks the renewal of this great sacrifice so that her bodily existence can become a means to build the bridge and the last decisive step from Matter and matter-based creation to the Supreme. The coming together of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother marks the decisive stage of this divine project initiated upon earth and carried on through the adventure of creation, through the various pralayas and the renewed attempt to create something beautiful and true, through the rise and fall of civilisations, through the aeons of progress and retrogressions in the course of the great cycles of creation. Through it all earth and its highest creation man has arrived to fulfill the divine possibility of the material uniting with the Divine. This is the deeper meaning of the coming together of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

The Mother, as we know had completely identified herself with the Earth consciousness. Her assuming a human body meant that the human body itself can realise the Divine Truth hidden within it and thereby escape death which is the last badge of ignorance. Their coming together meant the joining of the material creation with the Lord. This joining together of the Divine and His Shakti concealed behind and within Nature initiated a series of transmuting experiences leading eventually to realisation of this union as a collective possibility. It is this collective possibility that the subsequent Supramental Manifestation on the 29th February 1956 is meant to realise. The union of the Lord and His eternal Spouse, the union of material Nature with the Divine Soul must now be extended into every human body, at least in bodies made ready by their human births. The final arrival of the Divine Mother to Pondicherry therefore becomes the end of the old creation where the bodily existence and the material world was separated from the Spiritual and from God. It also becomes the beginning of a New Creation where this separation which is the cause of all suffering is healed and a new creation based on the conscious union of creation with the Creator, not only in the soul but also in the body has been initiated. How long will this new project take to fulfill itself is a question of man’s readiness and consent. But the deed is done as the Mother declared in a significant message given on the 24th April 1956:

       The manifestation of the Supramental upon earth is no more a promise but a living fact, a reality.     
       It is at work here, and one day will come when the most blind, the most unconscious, even the most unwilling shall be obliged to recognise it. [CWM 15:14-15]

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