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At the Feet of The Mother

Yoga as Practical Psychology

Yoga has been defined in various ways and each definition corresponds to some state that one arrives at by means of yoga. One such wonderful state described by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is ‘Oneness’. It is even one of the fundamental states to be experienced, a basis on which all else can be built. The essence of this condition is to see the Divine in all things and everywhere.
When we turn towards Yoga, we sometimes look for a concrete external method, an activity or an outer practice or technique so to say. But the real events of yoga, the practice and the results take place largely in our inner subjective psychological space. We look at this aspect of yoga in the Mother’s Light.
One of the challenges for a spiritual aspirant is how should he deal with life. On one side he is expected to practice the acceptance of all things as the Divine, on the other - to labour and put in effort towards self-perfection. How are these two attitudes, seemingly contradictory, are to be reconciled is the theme of today’s sharing.
The talk touches upon the blossoming of our personality from within outward. We are deceived by outer happenings and live like a slave. We need to know all the levels of consciousness and bring them under the influence of psychic to become a completely unified being.