"It is no longer towards division and difference that we should turn our minds, but on unity, union, even oneness necessary for the pursuit and realisation of a common ideal, the destined goal ...."
"...the transcendent and universal person of the Divine conforms itself to our individualised personality and accepts a personal relation with us ...as our Master, Friend, Lover, Teacher, our Father and our Mother, our Playmate in the great world-game..."
Sri Aurobindo released the power of the Word through the Arya and various other writings that are now available in the form of books such as ‘The Synthesis of Yoga’, ‘The Life Divine’, ‘The Human Cycle’ apart from his commentaries on the Vedas, Upanishads and the Gita. The word Arya itself has a profound meaning.
‘The Chariot of Jagannath’ is an ideal that Sri Aurobindo envisaged and explained in his early Bengali writings of the same name. It is the symbol of the collective development of Society with the Divine at its centre.