Recollections of Ramkrishna Das, known as Babaji Maharaj, written by Dakshina in 1998. Babaji has named the Sri Aurobindo Sadhana Peetham and supported its work.
In 1994, Dr H. Maheshwari has held a study of Sri Aurobindo’s ‘The Mother’ at the AuroMira Relic Centre in the suburb of London, which has been captured on audio.
Dear he must have been to the Divine so as to have been made His instrument to distribute Her Light as Prasada among all, uncaring for his own inconveniences. Such a one never dies.
An interview with Amrit (Howard) Iriyama by Anie Nunnally
I came into contact with the Mother in March 1967. ... Frankly, I could not really connect physically with the Mother. ... She wanted me to find her inside. This was always the message I received.