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At the Feet of The Mother

Daily Offerings

Living Words

Citizens of That Mother State

Far are those realms from our labour and yearning and call,
Perfection’s reign and hallowed sanctuary
Closed to the uncertain thoughts of human mind,
Remote from the turbid tread of mortal life.

But since our secret selves are next of kin,
A breath of unattained divinity
Visits the imperfect earth on which we toil;
Across a gleaming ether’s golden laugh
A light falls on our vexed unsatisfied lives,
A thought comes down from the ideal worlds
And moves us to new-model even here
Some image of their greatness and appeal
And wonder beyond the ken of mortal hope.

Amid the heavy sameness of the days
And contradicted by the human law,
A faith in things that are not and must be
Lives comrade of this world’s delight and pain,
The child of the secret soul’s forbidden desire
Born of its amour with eternity.

Our spirits break free from their environment;
The future brings its face of miracle near,
Its godhead looks at us with present eyes;
Acts deemed impossible grow natural;
We feel the hero’s immortality;
The courage and the strength death cannot touch
Awake in limbs that are mortal, hearts that fail;
We move by the rapid impulse of a will
That scorns the tardy trudge of mortal time.

These promptings come not from an alien sphere:
Ourselves are citizens of that mother State,
Adventurers, we have colonised Matter’s night.

[Savitri: Book Two Canto 11]

Living Words

In the Face of an Error

March 24, 1914

The result of all my reflections of yesterday is the finding that the only disturbance I experience comes from my fear of not having been or of not being perfectly identified with Thy law. And this disturbance comes precisely from the fact that the identification is not complete; for if it were, I could not ask myself whether it is so and, on the other hand, as I know from experience, all disturbance would become impossible for me.

But in face of an error or blunder, the true thought to have is not to say to oneself, “I should have done better, I should have done this instead of that”, but rather “I was not sufficiently identified with the eternal Consciousness, I must strive to realise better this definitive and integral union.”

Yesterday afternoon, during those long hours of silent contemplation, I understood at last what is meant by true identification with the object of one’s thought. I touched this realisation, as it were, not by achieving a mental state, but simply through steadiness and control of thought. I understood that I would need long, very long hours of contemplation to be able to perfect this realisation. This is one of the things I expect from the journey to India, if indeed Thou dost consider it useful for Thy service, Lord.

My progress is slow, very slow, but I hope that in compensation it may be lasting and free from all fluctuation.

Grant that I may accomplish my mission, that I may help in Thy integral manifestation.

[Prayers and Meditations of the Mother]

Living Words

Each Spot of the Body

Each spot of the body is symbolical of an inner movement; there is there a world of subtle correspondences. But this is a long and complex subject and we cannot enter into its details just now. The particular place in the body affected by an illness is an index to the nature of the inner disharmony that has taken place. It points to the origin, it is a sign of the cause of the ailment. It reveals too the nature of the resistance that prevents the whole being from advancing at the same high speed. It indicates the treatment and the cure. If one could perfectly understand where the mistake is, find out what has been unreceptive, open that part and put the force and the light there, it would be possible to re-establish in a moment the harmony that has been disturbed and the illness would immediately go.

[The Mother: CWM 03]

From Alokda

Songs of the Soul: October 16, 2024

Mother Divine, Maa,
of all the bondages of ignorance, one of the most difficult seems to be human attachments. Even when the heart is free of any longing, yet it suffers from the sufferings of those whom we love and responds to the vibration of true love. Though love itself can be and ought to be beautiful but it tends to get mixed in weak and narrow vessels with egoistic sentimentality, demands and passions and thence degrades into lust and attachments. Very soon its innocence, purity, beauty and intensity is lost in the whirlpool of desires, or its beautiful face gets covered and distorted with insecurities, fears, and will to dominate and worse things to which history has been a witness. Or else it turns into a tepid routine of duty no longer fed by the flaming tongue of sacrifice. Of all the Godheads, Love is the most demanding. If Ananda requires a complete abolition of desires and pleasure seeking, Love demands a complete self-giving, a glad sacrifice of all one is, without any demand, even of acknowledgement or reciprocation. That is why even when love turns towards Thee to realise its highest possibility, it is unable to soar beyond bhakti and devotion full of demands, to utter love, self giving and abandonment to Thee, demanding nothing except the joy of loving Thee eternally.

Maa, Thou hast taught us by example the great Secret of Love. Thou hast unraveled the great Mystery of Love. Thou hast set into motion the Highest, Intensest, Purest vibration of Love in our hearts. Thy Love purifies, redeems, transforms all with joy and in such a beautiful way that it all seems natural and effortless. Sadhana becomes easy and spontaneous rather than a thing strenuous requiring great effort of tapasya and will. Just to open to Thee and give oneself completely is enough.

Grant that we may be ready for this love and all in us respond to the touch of Thy wonderful Love, O sweet Beloved.

From Alokda

Phantoms of the Past

We move ever towards the New and the Unknown. But the New is not always new even as the old is not always old.

The New may be a rediscovery by another age of the old much as a child ‘discovers’ and is thrilled with discovering what his parents and grandparents already know.
The old too may be a partial glimpse ahead of Time of that which the race must realize much later. The dreams of Leonardo Da Vinci were not old and the ancient legends of Daedalus and Icarus were precursors of the Future. The Vedic Rishis and the Chaldean mystics foresaw something that the race was yet to experience. Krishna is still alive in the psychological spaces of man waiting for his call to be heard. Christ and Buddha wait on the threshold of our inner being for humanity to receive their message rightly.

Therefore, as we enter into the New and the Unknown future, we should carefully discern the surviving ghosts and phantoms of a slain past from the early blush of a forthcoming Dawn. The first leads us back to the cycles that have exhausted their purpose, the second to endless new discoveries.

From Alokda

Will Sanskrit Rather Than English Allow to Express Supramental Experiences?

Q: Sir, is there a likelihood for supramental expression to be exclusively in Sanskrit rather than in any European language, which appear to be not sufficiently dynamic to express the Truth at every level?

ALOKDA: The means of supramental expression would be new. In all likelihood a new language that will develop. Just as Sanskrit branched out into several languages and Latin into English, so also perhaps we shall see new means of expression evolving over the next few decades or centuries. No language as of now is capable of expressing the experiences of the New Being.

But yes, Sanskrit is no doubt amazing in terms of its beauty and richness with French coming a close next. English has its own beauty but also number of limitations with rules of grammar. But all existing human languages, including Sanskrit are not sufficient tools to express the inner experiences that are many-layered as well as many-hued and many-toned. They all seem inadequate to the New Consciousness.

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