Even as Savitri meets her being of Light, she hears the echo from the lower human planes, that divert the message of the Light and the gifts it brings for its own small purposes.
Savitri passes onward towards her secret soul. Before entering the secret cave of her soul she encounters her being of Light, the Madonna of Light, Mother of Joy and Peace.
"There is a need within the soul of man
The splendours of the surface never sate;
For life and mind and their glory and debate
Are the slow prelude of a vaster theme..."
Remembrances of The Mother by Richard Pearson - an audio recording of one talk at the Hall of Harmony, and a transcript of another talk at Savitri Bhavan, both from 2001.
"... The seal of tears, the bond of ignorance,
He turned to find that wide world-failure’s cause.
Away he looked from Nature’s visible face
And sent his gaze into the viewless Vast,"
A conversation between Dr Alok Pandey and Narad (Richard Eggenberger) on the recent world events and the Wisdom working behind the external appearances. (CN22)