Sri Aurobindo cautions us against taking the path of suffering towards the Divine. It should be rather a calm and glad submission to the Divine. It is through this inner union with the Divine that we can discover the Bliss that built the worlds and feel it behind all events and circumstances of life, regardless of their surface value.
"In us is the thousandfold Spirit who is one,
An eternal thinker calm and great and wise,
A seer whose eye is an all-regarding sun,
A poet of the cosmic mysteries."
"Each Avatara opens the way towards the Future. He holds His own example before humanity and gives a path to walk on with His help. Sri Aurobindo opened the way to a divinization of nature and the Sunlit Path of the Supramental Yoga. We share a little glimpse of this path opened for earth and man."
There are two beings in my single self.
A Godhead watches Nature from behind
At play in front with a brilliant surface elf,
A time-born creature with a human mind.