As the Mother told us on 12 April 1953,”When I asked Him (December 8, 1950) to resuscitate his body, He clearly answered: “I have left this body purposely. I will not take it back. I shall manifest again in the first supramental body built in the supramental way.”
She confirmed this further in another statement also where She spoke about Sri Aurobindo being the last avatar in a human body. In the Hindu tradition also Kalki is regarded as the last human Avatar. Besides if we see the trajectory of Sri Aurobindo’s life and work we shall find that He had done the maximum that could ever be done and achieved within the frame of the human body. Whatever was left ‘incomplete’ so to say was to be further accomplished by the Mother which is what She did and achieved with the Supramental Manifestation on the 29th February 1956.
Yes there is something that still remains to be done and that also they have mentioned. It is that part wherein humanity has to become ready to receive the Supramental consciousness and progressively transform itself. The individual work within Their body was complete, or we may say as complete as could be done within the course of their life. The collective work had also been initiated on a sound and secure footing following the supramental manifestation and the creation of Auroville and various society centres across the world. Naturally the collective work spans across many more lifetimes than an individual work. This is so because of the interdependence of the individual and the collectivity. It is this that is being worked out now and will go on until the world is reasonably ready to receive and manifest the supramental consciousness. At least a certain number of human beings have to be ready for this evolutionary leap and it is this that is being done and those who can sustain and go through the process of change who are being prepared. This will go on until a critical point is reached whence the prepared ones will be suddenly lifted and taken up and integrated with the supramental creation that is being formed in the subtle physical plane. When ready it will precipitate itself into the gross physical world. Once this happens the rest of the humanity will rapidly undergo either a sublimating change creating a higher and more harmonious humanity that will become as the chain in the evolutionary ladder between the ape and the supramental beings while the rest who lost the moment and wasted the energies of the New Creation in furtherance of their egoistic empire will collapse and sink back into the animal kind with their energies integrated not the animal states. This is what the Gita also indicates about the Asuras.
Their coming again with the same old physical body would not serve any further purpose as whatever could be done while in the physical body has already been done. If we read carefully the first statement cited above it is also evident that the supramental body will not be formed through the normal birth. It will be formed by a pressure from above of bodies formed in the subtle physical and slowly crystallising into moulds being prepared here. This is the occult side of any evolution, which goes unseen. With the supramental creation this is how it is going to be What it means practically is that those who have sincerely taken to the supramental yoga will reach a point wherein they would depart seemingly much like anybody else but it will be another way of dying. Instead of losing and scattering the fragments of vital and mental sheaths they will be largely organized around the psychic and only small portions will be left off. The rest of it will be prepared through special processes in the subtle physical where Sri Aurobindo and the Mother dwell in their permanent abode. This process can be understood as the slow infusion of the supramental substance into the elements organized around the psychic. Thus more and more beings will be ready to enter and assume a more concrete body upon earth, a body less concrete and more plastic and luminous than what we have now but more concrete than what the subtle physical holds.