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At the Feet of The Mother

Lyrical Poems

Aravinda Maheshwari recites 42 Lyrical Poems.
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Although consenting here to a mortal body, He is the Undying; limit and bond he knows not; For him the aeons are a playground, Life and its deeds are his splendid shadow.
The illumined star-thought sloops leading To the Dawn, their harbour home, to the Light unsealed, To the sun-face Infinite, the Untimed revealed.
...Crossing power-swept silences rapture-stunned, Climbing high far ethers eternal-sunned, Thought the great-winged wanderer paraclete Disappeared slow-singing a flame-word rune. Self was left, lone, limitless, nude, immune.
... O golden Mystery, flower, Sun on the head of the Timeless, guest of the marvellous Hour.
He who would bring the heavens here Must descend himself into clay And the burden of earthly nature bear And tread the dolorous way.
Into the gulfs of our nature leap, Voice of the spaces, call of the Light! Break the seals of Matter’s sleep, Break the trance of the unseen height.
Nothing is hid from my burning heart; My mind is shoreless and still; My song is rapture’s mystic art, My flight immortal will. 
Voice of Infinity, sound in my heart, — Call of the One! Stamp there thy radiance, never to part, O living Sun.