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At the Feet of The Mother

Essays on Yoga


We see that She was simultaneously working on the transmutation of Her own body as well as working out the stages through which humanity would walk that path. The path was opened now in both directions but the actual process remained still an adventure.
Part 5 of an article on different aspects of fulfillment of the Integral Yoga, including physical transformation of the body. An audio recording of the Mother's conversation in English and French, as quoted in the text, is included.
"[where is] The new race? Wait for something like... a few thousand years, and you will see it! ..... man has thought of it and awaits it, so it will go faster. But faster means still thousands of years probably. We shall speak about it again after a few thousand years!" The Mother, May 02, 1956
Questions such as did They complete Their Work etc are absurd in the first place. To begin with, we as a human race did not even know that there is such a Work undertaken by the Divine; that creation has a grand purpose and is on the road to its fulfilment. We became aware only because They shared it with us and they shared it so that we can consciously collaborate and have the joy of participating.
The Avatara leads, humanity follows; the Avatara builds the bridge, humanity walks over it. When the intended work is done, the Avatara withdraws behind so that humanity may prepare itself for the great walk. He does not die but simply withdraws just a step behind the curtain of material life. Blind are they who believe that the Avatara is no more. Even great Masters are not subject to Death.
"If there is one joy that earthly beings can experience which is coveted even by the gods, it is the joy of feeling the touch of the embodied Incarnate Divine. This unparalleled joy is given to earth and humanity as a saving Grace..... This special Grace is given to Earth since unlike other gods and goddesses, she alone has chosen to submit herself to the great evolutionary adventure."
"… [Savitri], a revelation coming from the very highest summits of consciousness and embodying the sublimest and subtlest Wisdom and Power, is best received as a gift of Grace. It cannot be the subject of mental analysis and speculation, for the Truth it embodies comes from far above the mind. Hence we do not intend to offer any ‘explanations’ or ‘analytical understanding’ of Savitri through these pages."