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At the Feet of The Mother

Essays on Yoga


The more we compare Sri Aurobindo to various other similar or dissimilar thoughts, the more we get confused. We perhaps enter into a cocoon constructed by our ignorant receiving of the profound truths, that have descended from the plane of Truth into the realms of our mortal ignorance and its small, cramped up understanding of life.
... it is a long process and one needs patience and perseverance. It takes time, sometimes a really long time, and one has to keep applying the will with faith and surrender. Eventually the breakthrough comes and instead of being a slave of nature one becomes its master.
The first and most indispensable element, its ‘central key’ as Sri Aurobindo succinctly put it, is to open to the Mother with a psychic attitude of faith, devotion and surrender. If this can be done with sufficient sincerity then nothing else may be needed. This alone is more than enough
So far we have played the game unconsciously. But a time comes when we become conscious and discover Them everywhere, in this body and other bodies and beyond all bodies, a luminous and mighty Presence, eternal, all-pervading, Alone.
More and more souls are now ready or getting ready, having gone through the long process of evolution, to evolve under the direct sunlight of the Divine Consciousness. They need neither the brilliant veil woven by the gods nor the shadow that holds us back and strengthens our roots in matter until we are ready to climb further.
All that is needed now is to have faith and endurance and go on until the victory that has been won in principle is generalized in each and every detail of the individual existence and the collective life of humanity.
The 2nd December program, where the young and old, children and elders, students and inmates of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and the SAICE participate together is to remind us of this tremendous work that we as children of earth in our bodies and children of Divine Mother in our souls have inherited.
In the death tremendous hour when Sri Aurobindo withdraws leaving the Mother in our hearts and Savitri in our hands, the Mother formally inaugurates the Sri Aurobindo memorial as a university center in his Name. Soon thereafter there is going to be the Supramental manifestation.