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At the Feet of The Mother

Essays on Yoga


Each of the main characters in the Mahabharata represents one such archetype of humanity who stands either on the side of the intended progress or who resists the human advance by its obstinate refusals, denials or simply inaction, when destiny demands it to act aligned to the Time Spirit. We can take them one by one.
A nine part series of reflections by Dr Alok Pandey (TEXT)
Mahabharata can be seen and understood at many levels and each is valid and complements the others. Most outwardly it represents a crisis which humanity undergoes from time to time that have the potential to plunge it into abysses of destruction, setting the clock of human evolution backwards by a few centuries if not millenniums.
An essay by Alok Pandey (TEXT)
Fall is never the permanent resting ground but a temporary moment to recuperate for the next level of effort. It is only through such successive efforts and attempts that eventual success comes.
We must uncover spiritual truths hiding behind all these stories and legends and philosophies, since to discover them again through a great personal tapasya is nearly impossible in our modern age, with such short life spans and a thoroughly materialistic orientation.
An open letter by Dr Alok Pandey (TEXT)
The road to self-mastery is long and needs patience and perseverance. Yet it is worth all the efforts since self-mastery makes life beautiful and happy and opens doors to endless possibilities of progress. 
An essay by Alok Pandey (TEXT)
When we have learnt this lesson that He is trying to teach us then shall we be free from the fear of death and indeed from all fears since behind all things terrible and beautiful, dangerous and delightful we shall see the One Divine Beloved
Death, struggle, suffering, evil are a passage, not the beginning nor the end of things. We want to avoid this passage; then we shall also avoid the great goal towards which creation tends.