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At the Feet of The Mother

Essays on Yoga


Often the modern readers tend to turn these wonderful epics merely into stories with social and moral themes. Naturally when the stories do not neatly fit into these definitions then all kinds of explanations are built either to justify or else to denounce the epic.
The right moment has arrived, the season has changed and slowly or suddenly there bursts out of the soil of human nature a new shoot, tender and small yet carrying within it hope and new possibilities of the future.
Surrender means many things which can be arranged in a graded manner. First of all, it means handing over the responsibility of one’s life and destiny. even of one's work and sadhana, to the Divine.
To discover the priceless pearls one must dive deep within and be willing to lose, for some time at least, the surface bonds that keep us tied to the small and narrow outposts of life and its little pleasures and joys and griefs.