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At the Feet of The Mother

Daily Prayers

A short message for the day, received from Alokda every morning (when possible).     

Songs of the Soul: December 22, 2024

Mother Divine, Maa, all the various inner and outer bonds that link us to the world and its countless people and elements are, when seen superficial, bonds of attachment and hence a bondage. But when we dive deeper, we discover behind them all threads of Thy Sweetness and Love that links life in a beautiful oneness that springs from Thy heart. Let us therefore not be bewildered by appearance nor deluded by attachment. Let us see instead the Sweetness of Thy Love passing through the core of everything and weaving creation in a beautiful dance as worship of the Divine in Matter. When we are attached only to the outer form and forget Thy Presence and Thy Force that upholds it, then we miss the steps, get wrongly attuned, the dance becomes increasingly chaotic and disorderly. Experiencing this, many declare that love itself is a source of bondage and suffering! But when we see Thee in everyone and everything and connect with all through Thy Love and join with all in Thee then the illusion vanishes and all suffering is replaced by the sweet delight of Thy Oneness, Thy dance of beauty and bliss.

Maa, offering at Thy Feet all who are linked to us in different ways and through each other, the entire world. May all wake up to Thy Harmony, Thy Oneness, the Sweetness of Thy Love. Maa, may our steps be fully attuned to Thine and the dance of the earth and humanity grow beautiful and harmonious centered around Thee.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Songs of the Soul: December 21, 2024

Mother Divine, seen one-way, human life is so full of misery, much of it self-created by our mind groping in ignorance and struggling with insecurity and the uncertainty. But running alongside there is a stream of Thy Love touching this struggling life upon earth giving it new hope, revivifying it, healing it, carrying it through everything, encouraging us to run when even walking seems a strain. Because of this Divine Love life can snatch joy in the heart of pain and smile despite the shadow of sorrow, and find peace and respite amidst the labour and toil and the torment and the struggle.

Maa may all open to Thy Love and taste its savour and drink its nectar. Once tasted, life can never be the same for then strangely pain begins to recede and death loosens its hard grip and seems unreal. Insecurity is replaced by supreme security and all the uncertainties of life yet lead us hasteningly towards the one true certainty, the certainty of being freed completely from the law of suffering and death. All grief and sorrow pass away with the touch of Thy Love and life becomes a rhythm of beauty and joy.

May all drink from the cup of delight that is the gift of Thy Love.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Songs of the Soul: December 20, 2024

Mother Divine, Maa, offered at Thy Feet is our entire being in a total abandonment and surrender. All our thoughts are offered to Thee. May these thoughts be illumined by Thy Light and bring to us the true understanding and the needed discernment.

Maa, offered at Thy Feet are all our feelings. May our emotions reflect and mirror Thy Sweetness and Love and our heart become a pure receptacle of Thy Harmony and Joy.

Maa, offered at Thy Feet is our life and actions. May we live for Thee and be always ready to serve Thee in whatever way and under whatever conditions You may want. Thy Will is our command and our sole motive is to fulfil it in all we speak and do.

Maa, offered at Thy Feet is the body and each organ and cell so that it can become a strong and supple instrument of Thy Force.

Maa, our soul is always and entirely Thine. May we belong to Thee for all times and to Thee alone.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa.

Songs of the Soul: December 19, 2024

Mother Divine, Maa, human nature has inherited the long agony of the globe, the general pessimism ingrained in material creation that has been moulded under difficult circumstances and through much suffering. When identified with this part, then the defeatist wakes up in man pointing towards the dark side and the bad ending of everything. It throws doubt and fear and the anticipation of difficulties. We come completely under the influence of the inconscient and death begins to take us in its iron grip. But, as human beings we also inherit the aspiration of the Ages, the anguish of the gods toiling day and night to bring the light to earth and men. When we open more to this side, to the spiritual reality behind the creation, through intuition, through faith, through aspiration then we are filled with joy and enthusiasm and gratitude. Then aspiration leaps up from within and life becomes a happy pilgrimage to the unseen Lord. Those who have tasted this spiritual side of creation have a natural tendency to draw more and more into it until they escape completely from the law of suffering and the voice of the Inconscience.

But to those You have chosen for Thy Work this simple solution cannot suffice. For it is no solution to the terrestrial problem but only an individual escape from the Iron Law. But those whose hearts have grown vast cannot be satisfied with this alone. They must encounter, confront and face the red heat of hell and the attack from the forces of darkness to bring there too Thy Peace and Light and Beauty and Love and Ananda. They embody the future and are here to change the Law. Though they walk through the edges where the summits and the precipice join, a special Grace walks with them and Thy hands of Love holds them close to Your bosom.

Maa may such heroic souls increase. May more and more such kind increase upon earth. They are most needed here, more than anywhere else.

May mankind awaken to this new aspiration and open to the New Light, to this greater Truth of the spiritual conquest of material existence, to Your greatest and most powerful transforming Love.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Songs of the Soul: December 18, 2024

Mother Divine, we cannot even imagine what life would be without faith in Thee, without a meaning and purpose, without a goal that impels us to constantly move forward, progress incessantly. And yet there are countless human beings who find it perfectly normal and natural to live thus, without knowing Thee, without faith, without any higher purpose or deeper quest and goal. They seem to be quite comfortable in this bound and fallen state. Looking at this, one wonders when will this humanity even feel the need for change, let alone change? Thou alone knowest, Maa, Thou alone knowest.

But those who have been called and in whom the need and will to change has become conscious, in whom aspiration has been born and the flame of gratitude burns high, may go through it quickly without any more delays and obstacles. May there be no further meandering and wandering. Held by Thy Love may we walk swiftly and straight towards the New Creation.

Maa, give us more faith, more aspiration, more sincerity and the endurance needed for Thy Victory.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Songs of the Soul: December 17, 2024

Mother Divine, Maa, this triple knot of ignorance binds man to pain and suffering holding him captive as a beast at stake for sacrifice. The knot of mind limits our understanding and creates confusion and miscomprehension with its consequence of disharmony and disorder. The knot of life keeps us tied down to little aims and dwarf desires preventing the free expansion of our soul. The knot of body, the most severe of all, keeps us bound to death, disease and pain. All our remedies will be temporary as long these knots remain.

Maa, may this way of life, a life lived in ignorance, a life of smallness centered around the little ego change into a life lived for Thee, firmly established and secure in Thee, moved by Thee.
May these iron bands give way and be replaced by the diamond threads of Thy Love.
Maa, may these chains that prevent us from realising the ideal and fulfilling the dreams of the soul drop away as illusions without any reality.
Maa, Maa, Maa, may we realise the freedom that comes through union with Thee. Let the illusion of separateness vanish completely and all our being recover the lost unity.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Songs of the Soul: December 16, 2024

Mother Divine, Love is the diamond thread that ties all creation together in a rhythm of beauty and joy. Love is the golden link between the different elements of creation, the power that labours most to lift creation out of its dark fallen state towards the Creator. But it is not easy to hold its flame. It is easily spent as we care for it least. Besides our human vessels are so weak and small, so fragile and crudely built that it is difficult to harbour it for long. A great wideness and strength is needed to contain it, a capacity to sacrifice that is so rare, a freedom from all selfishness and meanness. A large and generous and consecrated heart that is a temple of luminous sacrifice, a wide mind and a strong but purified force of life are best vehicles to carry it. Yet it is only when we receive Thy touch and Thy alchemist Energy transmutes our human vessel that Love can truly find its temple and abode in us.

Maa, let the bud of Love bloom in the human heart. Our mind driven by cold analysis, our senses wronged by violent pleasures, our life moved increasingly by machines suffers the lack of this most important Energy, the force of Love. Where Love is not, there joy cannot stay for long. Where Love is not, harmony cannot be born. Where Love is not the seed of Truth and Wisdom cannot arrive at its full fruition. Where Love is not, strength remains crude and brutal. Where Love is not beauty becomes a deception and a snare.

Maa let the bud of Love bloom in the desert of the human heart. May the bud grow into the fullness of the deathless Rose.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Songs of the Soul: December 15, 2024

Mother Divine, Maa, more and more one sees that man does not want the gifts that Thou hast brought for us. Man is too busy with his small gains and losses. His life is driven by little selfish aims, and yet, there is in man something that does seek Thee, even wants Thee. But he is not ready to pay the price. Mankind wants everything that God wants to give him but he wants it the lazy way. He has become worshipper of the easy path.

Maa, it is only Thy Grace that can remove this state of tamas, perhaps through a wake up call or a little shake up.

Maa, may we all awaken to the true needs, the one need that is to find and express Thee. Let all else fade and drop away like a dry leaf and only this one need remain, – Thee and Thee alone.

Thou, nothing else but Thou, Thou, Thyself everywhere and in everything.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Songs of the Soul: December 14, 2024

Mother Divine, Maa, amidst the trudge and tramp of life, amidst the apparent waste and the seeming aimless drift of men Thou art there. Thou art there not only as a guiding light but a dynamic Presence, correcting the anomalies of Space, wiping the errors of Time, turning our blindness into the steps of Light. And it is not from some distant summits that you govern us but as one closer than our heartbeats, more intimate than our breath. It is because of You that men can hope and dare even in the most impossible situations. It is because of You that knowledge grows in the fields of ignorance and good can be reaped from the soil of evil. It is because of You that the souls of men can climb to God and discover immortality in the house of death.

Without You, life would be nothing more than an insect that has grown two wings to fly but whose life is simply engaged in catching food. With Thee, even desert is a paradise and the stones of life steps that lead us to Thee.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa.