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At the Feet of The Mother

Daily Prayers

A short message for the day, received from Alokda every morning (when possible).     

Songs of the Soul: October 06, 2024

May our entire being go up in a flame of purification, fortified with faith and aspiration, sanctified with devotion and consecration, climbing on wings of love and knowledge that comes through faithful service and unconditional surrender and self-giving at Thy Feet, O Mother Divine. Let all contrary influences be washed away and only that which is sincere and true and open to Thee remain. May the fire of purification burn brighter and higher each day removing all the dross, purifying all mixture of desires and egoism. Make us once again stainless as we were before the fall yet completer and whole through the experiences of earthly life. Burn away all attachment that limits, ignorance that veils, desires that distract and distort, in the purifying flame. Let the coatings be removed and the pure ingot of gold, our true being shine radiant and bright with Thy Light and be offered at Thy Feet only for Thy Service.

Mother Divine, take away all that yet may seek the petty satisfactions of the ego, all ambition and vain self-satisfaction. Take away all paralyzing doubt and fear that prevents us from advancing towards the future…

Mother Divine, O embodied Purity and Love, may all in us be moulded of one substance, the substance of Thy Truth and Love.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Songs of the Soul: October 05, 2024

Mother Divine, Maa may all our nature, our entire being go up in a flame offered to Thee, rising higher and higher until all is given to Thee without reserve or the slightest trace of resistance anywhere.

Maa may all our being open wide to Thee to receive the rains of Thy Grace descending from The very highest abode.

Maa may all we receive be turned to Thy Purposes, for Thy Work and Service and nothing else. Nothing be for our own, may all be for Thee.

And in this complete and perfect giving and this simultaneous complete and perfect receiving and a complete and perfect turning of all we receive for Thee and Thy Service lie the secret of everlasting peace and happiness, the key to transformation.

Our entire being lies surrendered at Thy Feet with deepest gratitude and humble devotion and love.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Songs of the Soul: October 04, 2024

Mother Divine, Maa, With all its flaws and defects and limitations, there is something that is beautiful about humanity that keeps striving upwards, refusing to give up through its long struggle amidst dangers and perils. Especially this layer of humanity that seeks the meaning and purpose of life, shares the burden of the unknown future which yet it must shape through hard labour. Maa so it seems that Thou hast chosen humanity as the vehicle for the great disclosure and the grand fulfilment of Thy Divine Plan. Man carries within himself a priceless treasure, that once discovered can completely reshape his life. That treasure is his secret soul, the master – key to the golden future.

Maa, Let all this aeonic labour and struggle be not wasted. Let humanity wake up to its deepest self and highest possibility. May this blind and struggling human race open to Thy Light and see this world anew. May mankind shed the burden of the false I, the ego and the desire-self and discover the true soul.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Songs of the Soul: October 03, 2024

Mother Divine, Mother of Light and Might

Mother of Radiances infinite

Mother of the gods, Thou art the Silence that weaves the stars and builds this many tired universe for creation to climb to the Lord as the soul of man would climb to the temple on the mountain tops. Thou art the Force that moves all creation setting into motion the cosmic whirl. Thou art the fulfiller of the dreams of God, the sole omnipotent Goddess hidden behind Thy Works. Thou hast created Space as the cosmic page and Time is Thy scribe to write the song of the Infinite. Thou art the splendour of the suns and the nectar of the moon. Each form is something of Thyself and Thy Presence in all things is the sure sign that creation cannot be vain, the seal and sanction, the promise and the assurance that however long it takes, the Divine Beauty and Glory will manifest one day upon earth and in all.

Mother Divine, Thou art the first glimmer of the marvelous Dawn announcing the ending of the Night. Fill our minds with the sweet glow of Thy golden hues. Maa, Thou art the flaming passion burning in the splendour of the unearthly Rose. May our hearts be filled with its fiery ardour and love for Thee. Maa Thou art the calm and tranquil sky blue and white stretching endlessly plunging into endless depths and fathomless vastness.

Maa Thou hast come amidst us assuming a human body. By Thy infinite Grace Thou hast assumed a human form entering into our mortal state so that our human nature, our human bodies, may receive Thy touch through contagion and wake up to Thy Light and Love. Awaken in us the will to conquer. Give us the faith that never falters, the love that gives itself to Thee without any resistance.

Come, Mother, come. Build upon our soul Thy royal estate of Truth and Light and Bliss. Come, Mother, come streaming with Thy rays opening our sight to deeper and higher things. Rebuild our lives with Thy Love so that we may be remoulded into the perfect image of Truth, a strong and luminous vessel of Thy Peace and Joy and Light and Truth and Love.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Songs of the Soul: October 02, 2024

Mother Divine,
as the sun rises and its glory spreads over the sky cleaving all darkness and clouds, filling the earth with renewed hope and purpose and joy, so too many the sun of Thy Truth and Love rise within our heart freeing us from all ignorance and doubt.

May Thy Peace and Joy fill us with new effort and hope and all in us may turn towards the ocean of light that beckons.

May we be no more confined to smallness and pettiness and meanness and selfishness.

May we grow in vastnesses and unity and light and peace and love.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Songs of the Soul: October 01, 2024

Maa, Mother Divine, all our being lies prostrate and surrendered to Thee, at Thy Feet, in Thy Service.

A mixture of the animal past and the human present we carry within us the seeds of the future that Thou hast planted in the soil of our human nature. Maa, may these seeds of the New Creation sprout watered by the streams of Thy Love, lifted up by the rays of Thy Light, permeated and nourished by the Breath of Thy Grace.

Maa may the human in us be uplifted, transformed by Thy Hands of Mercy and Love. May the animal in us become Thy faithful servitor, Thy vehicle for the Divine Force to ride. And may this body become more and more Thy translucent lamp for Thy Light to radiate, a channel opal and hyaline for Thy Divine Forces to pour upon earth.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Songs of the Soul: September 30, 2024

Mother Divine, people find the sight of physical suffering distressing.  But the psychological state in which most human beings dwell is much more distressing.

Instead of studying the real causes and finding a radical remedy, man launches himself into an struggle for material wealth and comforts hoping these will solve his problems. Little does he realise that he is entering into a terrible vortex from which it is even more difficult to come out. For while material wealth provides some temporary outer relief it comes at a heavy price of an inner servitude.

Very few can keep their soul alive and prevent their mind and heart from falling into a dull stupor once they enter into this dark and bottomless pit of desires that lights up the darkness by artificial lights, making it worse by thwarting our seeking for the true authentic light. Money and materialistic sciences are new gods promising a bright future for man, but they cannot deliver. By the time it becomes obvious to all, humanity may be pushed beyond the brink.

Seeing and contemplating all this miserable state of mankind a prayer rises from the heart. Save mankind, Maa, save man from himself.  Save him from the route he has taken towards self-annihilation while thinking it is the high road to heaven. Save us Mother, save us from the civilisational catastrophe towards which we seem to be heading in the name of freedom and progress and happiness. Save us from ourselves.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Songs of the Soul: September 29, 2024

Maa, Mother Divine, Sweet Mother

Whatever a man may acquire, whatever outer wealth and even inner merit he may gain, whatever fortune he may accumulate and whatever position he may acquire in men’s eyes, his life is still a life of poverty if he has not found Thee. Even a small corner dedicated to Thee, a poor man’s heart given to Thee seems so rich and full because Thy Presence is somewhere felt more easily, spontaneously and actively. It seems that the sole difference, the sole worth of a man lies in this difference of being somehow and in someway having a contact with Thee or living a life where Thy Presence is completely veiled.

Maa, may Thy Presence be unveiled in all.

May all share the true liberty, the freedom that comes by knowing Thee and growing one with Thee.

Songs of the Soul: September 28, 2024

Maa, Mother Divine what is there that is impossible for Thy Grace? There is no difficulty, no defect, no weakness that cannot be overcome with the help of Thy Grace. Yet if some difficulties tend to linger long before being conquered it is because something in us supports it from behind, like a contradictory will or a secret whisper from the subconscient caves that our nature receives unconsciously and follow habitually. This defeatist murmur that rumbles within us like winds passing through narrow passages can rise up sometimes as a hurricane and sully the upper chambers. These small little narrow gaps must be detected and sealed, this habitual, almost mechanical activity of the subconscient must be detected and conquered through persistent offering for the complete and decisive victory. This is the hidden storehouse of darkness that draws its poison fumes from the Inconscient and hopes to throttle the divine child growing within man. But the divine child grows through everything. It is the unslayable indestructible divine portion within us.

What we need is to endure with complete faith in Thy Grace, never to entertain even the slightest trace of doubt and the victory will be sooner. Give us such an unshakeable faith and endurance, the faith that never allows even a grain of doubt and the endurance that refuses to give up before any difficulty.

May all grow in faith. May all difficulties be conquered in us and in all.