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At the Feet of The Mother

Daily Notes and Reflections by Alokda


Jealousy is like a wasp-sting, seemingly small but which can have a devastating effect. It is like a poison whose one drop is enough to destroy harmony and peace.

Its perfect antidote is true love. One moment of true love can cleanse the heart of this poison and fill it with sweetness and joy.

But true love must be discovered. It is there in everyone but behind the veils of outer nature. It is at our core within our soul. There we must dive to discover it and once found treasure it like a priceless pearl.

I am God

‘I am God’ says the yogi and mystic. What he means is that all of us are God in our deepest potentiality. In our secret self we are one with the Source of Creation that is the Creator Himself. The purpose of yoga is to realise this state and turn this potentiality into something real and conscious and living. Therefore it easily forgets the other complimentary truth that indeed all are God.

‘I am God’ says the ego as well. But it mistakes an unrealized potential for the actual. Therefore it is always at strife with ‘others’, reconciling only to quarrel again.

The remedy is to turn the potential into a living and conscious reality. Then the law of strife is replaced by the law of an increasing harmony and an all-embracing love.

The Priceless Diamond

Human nature is like a box that covers and contains the priceless diamond of Divine Love within it. The covering varies and is different from person to person but the divine element is the same. The only difference is that some diamonds have just been dug out, others are being washed out of the mud, still others are being shaped to perfection. Yet in the end each will find its place as an ornament to be adorned by the universal Mother to whom all belongs.

On Racial Superiority

Humanity is everywhere the same. Whatever differences there in terms of customs and culture, language and manners, the inner man is still the same. If we scratch below the surface we discover the same ego-centered, desire-driven nature.

No doubt there are differences of degree and scale; the range and expression change as we move up the human ladder of evolution, but the driving wheels and motive forces still belong to the general ignorance.

Therefore, racism is absurd. It is only the rare few who have gone beyond the human formula and found their soul who stand out as a different grade of humanity together. But these rare ones are marked by a divine humility rather than any racial or other superiority.

To Love Her

Those who love Her, who are filled with Her Love, who become vessels and channels of Her Love cannot but cease from loving Her creation and its creatures.

They have no more any enemies, no hatred, ill will or jealousies. Washed and purified by Her vast and infinite Love, they begin to share Her divine nature and begin to live in Her vastness and Love.

To love Her is enough, nothing else is then needed. But the human soil is not yet ready to accept Her Love and therefore sadhana becomes a long and difficult labour.

The Art of Yoga

Yoga is not done by man but by the Divine in him. What is needed is to collaborate with the Divine working within us.

Impatience and excitement, haste and agitation, the storms of passion and the torment of lust, the clouds of doubt and despair impede the working of the Grace.

Once our being and nature have become tranquil and quiet then the Divine Presence emerges as naturally as the flower from a bud or the sun at daybreak.

To stay quiet and remain open to the Grace with a complete trust is the art of yoga, of an increasing union with the Divine.

God’s Lover Has No Ill Will

It is strange that some have portrayed God as a strict disciplinarian or a stern judge. Surely they know Him not nor have felt His infinite Grace and Love. Were He to stop loving then creation itself would collapse.

Were He to punish then it would be like punishing Himself, for when we suffer it is He who takes this suffering upon Himself.

That is why a God lover can never have any ill will for anyone – he knows that it is his Beloved on whom he throws it and adds to His Lover’s burden and work.

The Sheer Delight and the Utter Joy of God’s Embrace

Pain is the touch of God pushing us out of our small comfort zones and embrace His vastness.

Pleasure is the snare of God alluring us with transient toys that train us in the nursery stage of the soul.

When the soul has done with both, learnt to shun the snare of pleasure and discovered the Grace in all that once brought pain, then it is ready for sheer delight and the utter joy of God’s embrace.

Temple and Abode

There are moments when the heart feels sad and weeps within though the eyes are not moist.

Bare not your heart to the world nor turn it into hard stone, but rather offer it at Her Feet.

She will wash it then of all possibility of pain and turn our tears into pearls of strength.

Then our consecrated heart will become Her Temple and Abode where Beauty and Delight dwell hand in hand making us immune to all suffering and pain.