Hymns to the Mystic Fire
Prayoga Bhārgava or Agni Pāvaka Bārhaspatya or Agni Gṛhapati Sahasaḥ Sūnu and Agni Yaviṣṭha Sahasaḥ Sūnu (last two together or one of them) |
Sukta 102
त्वम॑ग्ने बृ॒हद्वयो॒ दधा॑सि देव दा॒शुषे॑ ।
क॒विर्गृ॒हप॑ति॒र्युवा॑ ॥
tvám agne bṛhát váyaḥ dádhāsi deva dāśúṣe ǀ
kavíḥ gṛhá-patiḥ yúvā ǁ
Thou, O divine Fire, foundest a vast expansion for the giver, thou art the seer, the youth, the master of the house.
स न॒ ईळा॑नया स॒ह दे॒वाँ अ॑ग्ने दुव॒स्युवा॑ ।
चि॒किद्वि॑भान॒वा व॑ह ॥
sáḥ naḥ ī́ḷānayā sahá devā́n agne duvasyúvā ǀ
cikít vibhāno␣íti␣vi-bhāno ā́ vaha ǁ
Do thou, O Fire of the wide light, who art awake to knowledge, go with our word of prayer and of works and call the gods.
त्वया॑ ह स्विद्यु॒जा व॒यं चोदि॑ष्ठेन यविष्ठ्य ।
अ॒भि ष्मो॒ वाज॑सातये ॥
tváyā ha svit yujā́ vayám códiṣṭhena yaviṣṭhya ǀ
abhí smaḥ vā́ja-sātaye ǁ
With thee indeed as an ally, most strong in thy urge, we overcome for the conquest of the plenitude.
औ॒र्व॒भृ॒गु॒वच्छुचि॑मप्नवान॒वदा हु॑वे ।
अ॒ग्निं स॑मु॒द्रवा॑ससं ॥
aurvabhṛgu-vát śúcim apnavāna-vát ā́ huve ǀ
agním samudrá-vāsasam ǁ
Even as the Flame-Seer, Son of the Wideness, even as the Doer of Works I invoke the pure ocean-dwelling Fire.
हु॒वे वात॑स्वनं क॒विं प॒र्जन्य॑क्रंद्यं॒ सहः॑ ।
अ॒ग्निं स॑मु॒द्रवा॑ससं ॥
huvé vā́ta-svanam kavím parjánya-krandyam sáhaḥ ǀ
agním samudrá-vāsasam ǁ
I call the force which has the sound of the wind and the cry of the rain, the ocean-dwelling Fire.
आ स॒वं स॑वि॒तुर्य॑था॒ भग॑स्येव भु॒जिं हु॑वे ।
अ॒ग्निं स॑मु॒द्रवा॑ससं ॥
ā́ savám savitúḥ yathā bhágasya-iva bhujím huve ǀ
agním samudrá-vāsasam ǁ
I call like the creation of the Creator-Sun, like the delight of the Lord of Delight, the ocean-dwelling Fire.
अ॒ग्निं वो॑ वृ॒धंत॑मध्व॒राणां॑ पुरू॒तमं॑ ।
अच्छा॒ नप्त्रे॒ सह॑स्वते ॥
agním vaḥ vṛdhántam adhvarā́ṇām puru-támam ǀ
áccha náptre sáhasvate ǁ
For the forceful offspring of the pilgrim-sacrifices towards Fire as he grows in his multitudes, —
अ॒यं यथा॑ न आ॒भुव॒त्त्वष्टा॑ रू॒पेव॒ तक्ष्या॑ ।
अ॒स्य क्रत्वा॒ यश॑स्वतः ॥
ayám yáthā naḥ ā-bhúvat tváṣṭā rūpā́-iva tákṣyā ǀ
asyá krátvā yáśasvataḥ ǁ
so that he may come to be with us like the Form-Maker coming to the forms he has to carve, us made glorious by his will at work.
अ॒यं विश्वा॑ अ॒भि श्रियो॒ऽग्निर्दे॒वेषु॑ पत्यते ।
आ वाजै॒रुप॑ नो गमत् ॥
ayám víśvāḥ abhí śríyaḥ agníḥ devéṣu patyate ǀ
ā́ vā́jaiḥ úpa naḥ gamat ǁ
This Fire travels in the gods towards all glories; may he come to us with the plenitudes.
विश्वे॑षामि॒ह स्तु॑हि॒ होतॄ॑णां य॒शस्त॑मं ।
अ॒ग्निं य॒ज्ञेषु॑ पू॒र्व्यं ॥
víśveṣām ihá stuhi hótṝṇām yaśáḥ-tamam ǀ
agním yajñéṣu pūrvyám ǁ
Laud here the most glorious of priests of the call, the supreme1 Fire in the sacrifices.
शी॒रं पा॑व॒कशो॑चिषं॒ ज्येष्ठो॒ यो दमे॒ष्वा ।
दी॒दाय॑ दीर्घ॒श्रुत्त॑मः ॥
śīrám pāvaká-śociṣam jyéṣṭhaḥ yáḥ dámeṣu ā́ ǀ
dīdā́ya dīrghaśrút-tamaḥ ǁ
The intense Fire with its purifying light who dwells eldest in our homes, shines out as one who hears from afar.
तमर्वं॑तं॒ न सा॑न॒सिं गृ॑णी॒हि वि॑प्र शु॒ष्मिणं॑ ।
मि॒त्रं न या॑त॒यज्ज॑नं ॥
tám árvantam ná sānasím gṛṇīhí vipra śuṣmíṇam ǀ
mitrám ná yātayát-janam ǁ
Declare him, O illumined sage, as the powerful and conquering war-horse, as the friend who takes man to the goal of his journey.
उप॑ त्वा जा॒मयो॒ गिरो॒ देदि॑शतीर्हवि॒ष्कृतः॑ ।
वा॒योरनी॑के अस्थिरन् ॥
úpa tvā jāmáyaḥ gíraḥ dédiśatīḥ haviḥ-kṛ́taḥ ǀ
vāyóḥ ánīke asthiran ǁ
Towards thee come the words of the giver of the offerings marking thee out and stand firm as companions in the might of the wind.
यस्य॑ त्रि॒धात्ववृ॑तं ब॒र्हिस्त॒स्थावसं॑दिनं ।
आप॑श्चि॒न्नि द॑धा प॒दं ॥
yásya tri-dhā́tu ávṛtam barhíḥ tastháu ásam-dinam ǀ
ā́paḥ cit ní dadha padám ǁ
Thou whose triple-seat of sacrifice is untied and unconfined and the waters also have established thy abode, —
प॒दं दे॒वस्य॑ मी॒ळ्हुषोऽना॑धृष्टाभिरू॒तिभिः॑ ।
भ॒द्रा सूर्य॑ इवोप॒दृक् ॥
padám devásya mīḷhúṣaḥ ánādhṛṣṭābhiḥ ūtí-bhiḥ ǀ
bhadrā́ sū́ryaḥ-iva upa-dṛ́k ǁ
the abode of the bounteous godhead with its inviolate safeties, like a happy regard of the Sun.
अग्ने॑ घृ॒तस्य॑ धी॒तिभि॑स्तेपा॒नो दे॑व शो॒चिषा॑ ।
आ दे॒वान्व॑क्षि॒ यक्षि॑ च ॥
ágne ghṛtásya dhītí-bhiḥ tepānáḥ deva śocíṣā ǀ
ā́ devā́n vakṣi yákṣi ca ǁ
O divine Fire, by our thinkings of the light, burning with thy flame, bring to us the gods and do them sacrifice.
तं त्वा॑जनंत मा॒तरः॑ क॒विं दे॒वासो॑ अंगिरः ।
ह॒व्य॒वाह॒मम॑र्त्यं ॥
tám tvā ajananta mātáraḥ kavím devā́saḥ aṅgiraḥ ǀ
havya-vā́ham ámartyam ǁ
The mothers bore thee, the gods brought thee to birth as the seer, the immortal, the carrier of offering, O Angiras.
प्रचे॑तसं त्वा क॒वेऽग्ने॑ दू॒तं वरे॑ण्यं ।
ह॒व्य॒वाहं॒ नि षे॑दिरे ॥
prá-cetasam tvā kave ágne dūtám váreṇyam ǀ
havya-vā́ham ní sedire ǁ
O Fire, O seer, they set thee within as the thinker, the desirable messenger, carrier of the offerings.
न॒हि मे॒ अस्त्यघ्न्या॒ न स्वधि॑ति॒र्वन॑न्वति ।
अथै॑ता॒दृग्भ॑रामि ते ॥
nahí me ásti ághnyā ná svá-dhitiḥ vánan-vati ǀ
átha etādṛ́k bharāmi te ǁ
Mine is not the cow unslayable, I have no axe at hand, so I bring to thee this little that I have.
यद॑ग्ने॒ कानि॒ कानि॑ चि॒दा ते॒ दारू॑णि द॒ध्मसि॑ ।
ता जु॑षस्व यविष्ठ्य ॥
yát agne kā́ni kā́ni cit ā́ te dā́rūṇi dadhmási ǀ
tā́ juṣasva yaviṣṭhya ǁ
What we place for thee, a few chance logs, them accept, O ever-young Fire.
यदत्त्यु॑प॒जिह्वि॑का॒ यद्व॒म्रो अ॑ति॒सर्प॑ति ।
सर्वं॒ तद॑स्तु ते घृ॒तं ॥
yát átti upa-jíhvikā yát vamráḥ ati-sárpati ǀ
sárvam tát astu te ghṛtám ǁ
What is eaten by the ant, what the white ant overruns, let all that be to thee as if thy food of light2.
अ॒ग्निमिंधा॑नो॒ मन॑सा॒ धियं॑ सचेत॒ मर्त्यः॑ ।
अ॒ग्निमी॑धे वि॒वस्व॑भिः ॥
agním índhānaḥ mánasā dhíyam saceta mártyaḥ ǀ
agním īdhe vivásva-bhiḥ ǁ
Kindling the Fire let mortal man cleave with his mind to the Thought; by things luminous3 I kindle the Fire.
1 Or, the ancient
2 Or, as if clarified butter.
3 Or, by the shining ones