Hymns to the Mystic Fire
Uśanas Kāvya |
Sukta 84
प्रेष्ठं॑ वो॒ अति॑थिं स्तु॒षे मि॒त्रमि॑व प्रि॒यं ।
अ॒ग्निं रथं॒ न वेद्यं॑ ॥
préṣṭham vaḥ átithim stuṣé mitrám-iva priyám ǀ
agním rátham ná védyam ǁ
Your guest most beloved I laud who is like a beloved friend, Fire who is as if the chariot of our journey, the one whom we must know.
क॒विमि॑व॒ प्रचे॑तसं॒ यं दे॒वासो॒ अध॑ द्वि॒ता ।
नि मर्त्ये॑ष्वाद॒धुः ॥
kavím-iva prá-cetasam yám devā́saḥ ádha dvitā́ ǀ
ní mártyeṣu ā-dadhúḥ ǁ
He whom as the seer and thinker the gods have now set within twofold in mortals.
त्वं य॑विष्ठ दा॒शुषो॒ नॄँः पा॑हि शृणु॒धी गिरः॑ ।
रक्षा॑ तो॒कमु॒त त्मना॑ ॥
tvám yaviṣṭha dāśúṣaḥ nṝ́n pāhi śṛṇudhí gíraḥ ǀ
rákṣa tokám utá tmánā ǁ
O thou ever-young, guard men who give, hear our words; protect the son by the Self.
कया॑ ते अग्ने अंगिर॒ ऊर्जो॑ नपा॒दुप॑स्तुतिं ।
वरा॑य देव म॒न्यवे॑ ॥
káyā te agne aṅgiraḥ ū́rjaḥ napāt úpa-stutim ǀ
várāya deva manyáve ǁ
O divine Fire, O Angiras, O child of energy, by what word, the laud, for thy supreme thinking?
दाशे॑म॒ कस्य॒ मन॑सा य॒ज्ञस्य॑ सहसो यहो ।
कदु॑ वोच इ॒दं नमः॑ ॥
dā́śema kásya mánasā yajñásya sahasaḥ yaho␣íti ǀ
kát ūṃ␣íti voce idám námaḥ ǁ
By the mind of what master of sacrifice shall we give, O son of force; how shall I word this prostration of my surrender?
अधा॒ त्वं हि न॒स्करो॒ विश्वा॑ अ॒स्मभ्यं॑ सुक्षि॒तीः ।
वाज॑द्रविणसो॒ गिरः॑ ॥
ádha tvám hí naḥ káraḥ víśvāḥ asmábhyam su-kṣitī́ḥ ǀ
vā́ja-draviṇasaḥ gíraḥ ǁ
Mayst thou thyself create for us all worlds of a happy dwelling, make our words a source of the plenitude and the riches.
कस्य॑ नू॒नं परी॑णसो॒ धियो॑ जिन्वसि दंपते ।
गोषा॑ता॒ यस्य॑ ते॒ गिरः॑ ॥
kásya nūnám párīṇasaḥ dhíyaḥ jinvasi dam-pate ǀ
gó-sātā yásya te gíraḥ ǁ
In whose wide-moving thought dost thou take delight, O master of the house; thou from whom come our words in the conquest of the Light?
तं म॑र्जयंत सु॒क्रतुं॑ पुरो॒यावा॑नमा॒जिषु॑ ।
स्वेषु॒ क्षये॑षु वा॒जिनं॑ ॥
tám marjayanta su-krátum puraḥ-yā́vānam ājíṣu ǀ
svéṣu kṣáyeṣu vājínam ǁ
Him they make bright the strong of will and he goes in front in the race1; he is a master of plenitude in his own abodes.
क्षेति॒ क्षेमे॑भिः सा॒धुभि॒र्नकि॒र्यं घ्नंति॒ हंति॒ यः ।
अग्ने॑ सु॒वीर॑ एधते ॥
kṣéti kṣémebhiḥ sādhú-bhiḥ nákiḥ yám ghnánti hánti yáḥ ǀ
ágne su-vī́raḥ edhate ǁ
He dwells safe on perfect foundations and there are none to slay him, it is he who slays; O Fire, he is a mighty hero and prosperous.
1 Or, in the contests;