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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Vasiṣṭha Maitrāvaruṇi

Sukta 9


अबो॑धि जा॒र उ॒षसा॑मु॒पस्था॒द्धोता॑ मं॒द्रः क॒वित॑मः पाव॒कः ।

दधा॑ति के॒तुमु॒भय॑स्य जं॒तोर्ह॒व्या दे॒वेषु॒ द्रवि॑णं सु॒कृत्सु॑ ॥

ábodhi jāráḥ uṣásām upá-sthāt hótā mandráḥ kaví-tamaḥ pāvakáḥ ǀ

dádhāti ketúm ubháyasya jantóḥ havyā́ devéṣu dráviṇam sukṛ́t-su ǁ

He awoke from the lap of the dawns, their lover, the rapturous Priest of the call, the great seer, the purifying Fire; he founds the ray of intuition for both kinds of being born, the offerings in the gods, the riches in the doers of good.


स सु॒क्रतु॒र्यो वि दुरः॑ पणी॒नां पु॑ना॒नो अ॒र्कं पु॑रु॒भोज॑सं नः ।

होता॑ मं॒द्रो वि॒शां दमू॑नास्ति॒रस्तमो॑ ददृशे रा॒म्याणां॑ ॥

sáḥ su-krátuḥ yáḥ ví dúraḥ paṇīnā́m punānáḥ arkám puru-bhójasam naḥ ǀ

hótā mandráḥ viśā́m dámūnāḥ tiráḥ támaḥ dadṛśe rāmyā́ṇām ǁ

Strong in will this is he who has flung wide the doors of the Traffickers purifying for us the illumining ray which gives the many enjoyments; the rapturous Priest of the call, who dwells in the house of men, is seen through the darkness of the nights.


अमू॑रः क॒विरदि॑तिर्वि॒वस्वा॑न्त्सुसं॒सन्मि॒त्रो अति॑थिः शि॒वो नः॑ ।

चि॒त्रभा॑नुरु॒षसां॑ भा॒त्यग्रे॒ऽपां गर्भः॑ प्र॒स्व१่ आ वि॑वेश ॥

ámūraḥ kavíḥ áditiḥ vivásvān su-saṃsát mitráḥ átithiḥ śiváḥ naḥ ǀ

citrá-bhānuḥ uṣásām bhāti ágre apā́m gárbhaḥ pra-sváḥ ā́ viveśa ǁ

The seer free from ignorance, the boundless, the luminous, a friend happily met1, our benignant guest, rich in his lustres he shines in front of the dawns, a child of the waters he enters into his mothers.


ई॒ळेन्यो॑ वो॒ मनु॑षो यु॒गेषु॑ समन॒गा अ॑शुचज्जा॒तवे॑दाः ।

सु॒सं॒दृशा॑ भा॒नुना॒ यो वि॒भाति॒ प्रति॒ गावः॑ समिधा॒नं बु॑धंत ॥

īḷényaḥ vaḥ mánuṣaḥ yugéṣu samana-gā́ḥ aśucat jātá-vedāḥ ǀ

su-sandṛ́śā bhānúnā yáḥ vi-bhā́ti práti gā́vaḥ sam-idhānám budhanta ǁ

One to be prayed by you in the generations of man, equal in his rays shone out the knower of all things born, Fire who dawns with his light of perfect vision, the rays woke into his high blazing.


अग्ने॑ या॒हि दू॒त्यं१่ मा रि॑षण्यो दे॒वाँ अच्छा॑ ब्रह्म॒कृता॑ ग॒णेन॑ ।

सर॑स्वतीं म॒रुतो॑ अ॒श्विना॒पो यक्षि॑ दे॒वान्र॑त्न॒धेया॑य॒ विश्वा॑न् ॥

ágne yāhí dūtyám mā́ riṣaṇyaḥ devā́n áccha brahma-kṛ́tā gaṇéna ǀ

sárasvatīm marútaḥ aśvínā apáḥ yákṣi devā́n ratna-dhéyāya víśvān ǁ

O Fire, go on thy embassy and fail not towards the gods with the company of those who fashion the Word: sacrifice to Saraswati and the life-powers, and two riders of the horse and the waters and to all the gods for the giving of the ecstasy.


त्वाम॑ग्ने समिधा॒नो वसि॑ष्ठो॒ जरू॑थं ह॒न्यक्षि॑ रा॒ये पुरं॑धिं ।

पु॒रु॒णी॒था जा॑तवेदो जरस्व यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥

tvā́m agne sam-idhānáḥ vásiṣṭhaḥ járūtham han yákṣi rāyé púram-dhim ǀ

puru-nīthā́ jāta-vedaḥ jarasva yūyám pāta svastí-bhiḥ sádā naḥ ǁ

Vasishtha kindles thee, O Fire, slaying the destroying demon, sacrifice for the Wealth to the many-thoughted goddess2: many are the roads of thy approach, O knower of all things born. Do you always guard us with all kinds of weal.


1 Or, happy in thy sessions, our friend,


2 Or, to her who is the tenant of the city:
