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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Dvita Mṛktavāhas Ātreya

Sukta 18


प्रा॒तर॒ग्निः पु॑रुप्रि॒यो वि॒शः स्त॑वे॒ताति॑थिः ।

विश्वा॑नि॒ यो अम॑र्त्यो ह॒व्या मर्ते॑षु॒ रण्य॑ति ॥

prātáḥ agníḥ puru-priyáḥ viśáḥ staveta átithiḥ ǀ

víśvāni yáḥ ámartyaḥ havyā́ márteṣu ráṇyati ǁ

Let the Fire with his multitude of delightful things, the guest of man, receive the laud at dawn, he who is immortal in mortals and takes joy in all their offerings.


द्वि॒ताय॑ मृ॒क्तवा॑हसे॒ स्वस्य॒ दक्ष॑स्य मं॒हना॑ ।

इंदुं॒ स ध॑त्त आनु॒षक्स्तो॒ता चि॑त्ते अमर्त्य ॥

dvitā́ya mṛktá-vāhase svásya dákṣasya maṃhánā ǀ

índum sáḥ dhatte ānuṣák stotā́ cit te amartya ǁ

The plenitude of his own understanding for the twofold power that carries the purified offering; he holds uninterruptedly the moon-wine and he too who lauds thee, holds it, O immortal.


तं वो॑ दी॒र्घायु॑शोचिषं गि॒रा हु॑वे म॒घोनां॑ ।

अरि॑ष्टो॒ येषां॒ रथो॒ व्य॑श्वदाव॒न्नीय॑ते ॥

tám vaḥ dīrghā́yu-śociṣam girā́ huve maghónām ǀ

áriṣṭaḥ yéṣām ráthaḥ ví aśva-dāvan ī́yate ǁ

I call him by the word who is the light of long-extended life for you the lords of plenty, you whose chariot goes abroad without hurt, O giver of the Horse, —


चि॒त्रा वा॒ येषु॒ दीधि॑तिरा॒सन्नु॒क्था पांति॒ ये ।

स्ती॒र्णं ब॒र्हिः स्व॑र्णरे॒ श्रवां॑सि दधिरे॒ परि॑ ॥

citrā́ vā yéṣu dī́dhitiḥ āsán ukthā́ pā́nti yé ǀ

stīrṇám barhíḥ sváḥ-nare śrávāṃsi dadhire pári ǁ

in whom is the richly brilliant light of thought and they guard the utterances in their mouths; spread is the sacred seat and they found the inspirations all around it in the Godhead of the sun-world.


ये मे॑ पंचा॒शतं॑ द॒दुरश्वा॑नां स॒धस्तु॑ति ।

द्यु॒मद॑ग्ने॒ महि॒ श्रवो॑ बृ॒हत्कृ॑धि म॒घोनां॑ नृ॒वद॑मृत नृ॒णां ॥

yé me pañcāśátam dadúḥ áśvānām sadhá-stuti ǀ

dyu-mát agne máhi śrávaḥ bṛhát kṛdhi maghónām nṛ-vát amṛta nṛṇā́m ǁ

They who have given me in the moment of the laud the fifty steeds of swiftness create for those lords of plenty a great and luminous inspired knowledge, create for those gods the Vast, with its gods, O Immortal, O Fire.