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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Vavri Ātreya

Sukta 19


अ॒भ्य॑व॒स्थाः प्र जा॑यंते॒ प्र व॒व्रेर्व॒व्रिश्चि॑केत ।

उ॒पस्थे॑ मा॒तुर्वि च॑ष्टे ॥

abhí ava-sthā́ḥ prá jāyante prá vavréḥ vavríḥ ciketa ǀ

upá-sthe mātúḥ ví caṣṭe ǁ

State upon state is born, covering upon covering has become conscious and aware, in the lap of the mother he sees.


जु॒हु॒रे वि चि॒तयं॒तोऽनि॑मिषं नृ॒म्णं पां॑ति ।

आ दृ॒ळ्हां पुरं॑ विविशुः ॥

juhuré ví citáyantaḥ áni-miṣam nṛmṇám pānti ǀ

ā́ dṛḷhā́m púram viviśuḥ ǁ

Awaking to an entire knowledge they have called and guard a sleepless strength, they have entered the strong fortified city.


आ श्वै॑त्रे॒यस्य॑ जं॒तवो॑ द्यु॒मद्व॑र्धंत कृ॒ष्टयः॑ ।

नि॒ष्कग्री॑वो बृ॒हदु॑क्थ ए॒ना मध्वा॒ न वा॑ज॒युः ॥

ā́ śvaitreyásya jantávaḥ dyu-mát vardhanta kṛṣṭáyaḥ ǀ

niṣká-grīvaḥ bṛhát-ukthaḥ enā́ mádhvā ná vāja-yúḥ ǁ

Creatures born, men who people the earth have increased the luminosity of the son of the white mother; his neck wears the golden necklace, he has the utterance of the Vast, and with his honey-wine he is the seeker of the plenitude.


प्रि॒यं दु॒ग्धं न काम्य॒मजा॑मि जा॒म्योः सचा॑ ।

घ॒र्मो न वाज॑जठ॒रोऽद॑ब्धः॒ शश्व॑तो॒ दभः॑ ॥

priyám dugdhám ná kā́myam ájāmi jāmyóḥ sácā ǀ

gharmáḥ ná vā́ja-jaṭharaḥ ádabdhaḥ śáśvataḥ dábhaḥ ǁ

He is as if the delightful and desirable milk of the mother, he is that which is uncompanioned abiding with the two companions; he is the blaze of the light, and the belly of the plenitude, he is the eternal invincible and the all-conqueror.


क्रीळ॑न्नो रश्म॒ आ भु॑वः॒ सं भस्म॑ना वा॒युना॒ वेवि॑दानः ।

ता अ॑स्य संधृ॒षजो॒ न ति॒ग्माः सुसं॑शिता व॒क्ष्यो॑ वक्षणे॒स्थाः ॥

krī́ḷan naḥ raśme ā́ bhuvaḥ sám bhásmanā vāyúnā vévidānaḥ ǀ

tā́ḥ asya san dhṛṣájaḥ ná tigmā́ḥ sú-saṃśitāḥ vakṣyáḥ vakṣaṇe-sthā́ḥ ǁ

O Ray, mayst thou be with us and play with us, unifying thy knowledge with the shining of the breath of life; may those flames of him be for us violent and intense and keenly whetted, strong to carry and settled in the breast.