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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Gaya Ātreya

Sukta 10


अग्न॒ ओजि॑ष्ठ॒मा भ॑र द्यु॒म्नम॒स्मभ्य॑मध्रिगो ।

प्र नो॑ रा॒या परी॑णसा॒ रत्सि॒ वाजा॑य॒ पंथां॑ ॥

ágne ójiṣṭham ā́ bhara dyumnám asmábhyam adhrigo␣ítyadhri-go ǀ

prá naḥ rāyā́ párīṇasā rátsi vā́jāya pánthām ǁ

O Fire, bring to us a light full of energy, O unseizable Ray; for us by thy opulence pervading on every side cut out in our front a path to the plenitude.


त्वं नो॑ अग्ने अद्भुत॒ क्रत्वा॒ दक्ष॑स्य मं॒हना॑ ।

त्वे अ॑सु॒र्य१่मारु॑हत्क्रा॒णा मि॒त्रो न य॒ज्ञियः॑ ॥

tvám naḥ agne adbhuta krátvā dákṣasya maṃhánā ǀ

tvé␣íti asuryám ā́ aruhat krāṇā́ mitráḥ ná yajñíyaḥ ǁ

O Fire, O Wonderful, come to us with thy will and the growth of the judgment; in thee the sacrificial Friend, achiever of the work can climb to almightiness.


त्वं नो॑ अग्न एषां॒ गयं॑ पु॒ष्टिं च॑ वर्धय ।

ये स्तोमे॑भिः॒ प्र सू॒रयो॒ नरो॑ म॒घान्या॑न॒शुः ॥

tvám naḥ agne eṣām gáyam puṣṭím ca vardhaya ǀ

yé stómebhiḥ prá sūráyaḥ náraḥ maghā́ni ānaśúḥ ǁ

Increase for us, O Fire, the acquisition and the growth of these who are men that are illuminates and by their laudings of thee have attained to the plenitudes of the riches, —


ये अ॑ग्ने चंद्र ते॒ गिरः॑ शुं॒भंत्यश्व॑राधसः ।

शुष्मे॑भिः शु॒ष्मिणो॒ नरो॑ दि॒वश्चि॒द्येषां॑ बृ॒हत्सु॑की॒र्तिर्बोध॑ति॒ त्मना॑ ॥

yé agne candra te gíraḥ śumbhánti áśva-rādhasaḥ ǀ

śúṣmebhiḥ śuṣmíṇaḥ náraḥ diváḥ cit yéṣām bṛhát su-kīrtíḥ bódhati tmánā ǁ

who, O delightful Fire, have achieved the power of the horse and make beautiful their words of thee, strong men with their strength whose is the Vast that is greater even than heaven, for in them that glory by itself awakes.


तव॒ त्ये अ॑ग्ने अ॒र्चयो॒ भ्राजं॑तो यंति धृष्णु॒या ।

परि॑ज्मानो॒ न वि॒द्युतः॑ स्वा॒नो रथो॒ न वा॑ज॒युः ॥

táva tyé agne arcáyaḥ bhrā́jantaḥ yanti dhṛṣṇu-yā́ ǀ

pári-jmānaḥ ná vi-dyútaḥ svānáḥ ráthaḥ ná vāja-yúḥ ǁ

These are those flaming rays of thine, O Fire, and they go blazing and violent, like lightnings that run over all quarters, like the voice of a chariot seeking the plenitude.


नू नो॑ अग्न ऊ॒तये॑ स॒बाध॑सश्च रा॒तये॑ ।

अ॒स्माका॑सश्च सू॒रयो॒ विश्वा॒ आशा॑स्तरी॒षणि॑ ॥

nú naḥ agne ūtáye sa-bā́dhasaḥ ca rātáye ǀ

asmā́kāsaḥ ca sūráyaḥ víśvāḥ ā́śāḥ tarīṣáṇi ǁ

Soon, O Fire, may alike those of us who are opposed and obstructed attain to protection and the giving of the riches and our illuminates break through all directions and beyond.


त्वं नो॑ अग्ने अंगिरः स्तु॒तः स्तवा॑न॒ आ भ॑र ।

होत॑र्विभ्वा॒सहं॑ र॒यिं स्तो॒तृभ्यः॒ स्तव॑से च न उ॒तैधि॑ पृ॒त्सु नो॑ वृ॒धे ॥

tvám naḥ agne aṅgiraḥ stutáḥ stávānaḥ ā́ bhara ǀ

hótaḥ vibhva-sáham rayím stotṛ́-bhyaḥ stávase ca naḥ utá edhi pṛt-sú naḥ vṛdhé ǁ

Thou, O Fire, O Angiras, after and during the laud bring to us riches of a far-reaching force, O Priest of the call, for those who laud thee and for our further laud. Be with us in our battles that we may grow.