Hymns to the Mystic Fire
Somahūti Bhārgava |
Sukta 6
इ॒मां मे॑ अग्ने स॒मिध॑मि॒मामु॑प॒सदं॑ वनेः ।
इ॒मा उ॒ षु श्रु॑धी॒ गिरः॑ ॥
imā́m me agne sam-ídham imā́m upa-sádam vaneríti␣vaneḥ ǀ
imā́ḥ ūṃ␣íti sú śrudhi gíraḥ ǁ
O Fire, mayst thou rejoice in the fuel I bring thee, rejoice in my session of sacrifice. Deeply lend ear to my words.
अ॒या ते॑ अग्ने विधे॒मोर्जो॑ नपा॒दश्व॑मिष्टे ।
ए॒ना सू॒क्तेन॑ सुजात ॥
ayā́ te agne vidhema ū́rjaḥ napāt áśvam-iṣṭe ǀ
enā́ su-ukténa su-jāta ǁ
O Fire, who art brought to perfect birth, Child of Energy, Impeller of the Horse, we would worship thee with this oblation, we would worship thee with this Word well-spoken.
तं त्वा॑ गी॒र्भिर्गिर्व॑णसं द्रविण॒स्युं द्र॑विणोदः ।
स॒प॒र्येम॑ सप॒र्यवः॑ ॥
tám tvā gīḥ-bhíḥ gírvaṇasam draviṇasyúm draviṇaḥ-daḥ ǀ
saparyéma saparyávaḥ ǁ
We would wait with our Words on thy joy in the Word; O Treasure-giver, we would wait on the seeker of the Treasure. Let us serve thee, all whose desire is thy service.
स बो॑धि सू॒रिर्म॒घवा॒ वसु॑पते॒ वसु॑दावन् ।
यु॒यो॒ध्य१่स्मद्द्वेषां॑सि ॥
sáḥ bodhi sūríḥ maghávā vásu-pate vásu-dāvan ǀ
yuyodhí asmát dvéṣāṃsi ǁ
O Wealth-Lord, Wealth-giver, awake, a seer and a Master of Treasures; put away from us the things that are hostile.
स नो॑ वृ॒ष्टिं दि॒वस्परि॒ स नो॒ वाज॑मन॒र्वाणं॑ ।
स नः॑ सह॒स्रिणी॒रिषः॑ ॥
sáḥ naḥ vṛṣṭím diváḥ pári sáḥ naḥ vā́jam anarvā́ṇam ǀ
sáḥ naḥ sahasríṇīḥ íṣaḥ ǁ
For us, O Fire, the Rain of Heaven around us; for us, O Fire, the wealth immovable1; for us, O Fire, the impulsions that bring their thousands!
ईळा॑नायाव॒स्यवे॒ यवि॑ष्ठ दूत नो गि॒रा ।
यजि॑ष्ठ होत॒रा ग॑हि ॥
ī́ḷānāya avasyáve yáviṣṭha dūta naḥ girā́ ǀ
yájiṣṭha hotaḥ ā́ gahi ǁ
O Messenger, O youngest Power, come at our word for him who aspires to thee and craves for thy safeguard; arrive, O Priest of the call, strong for sacrifice.
अं॒तर्ह्य॑ग्न॒ ईय॑से वि॒द्वांजन्मो॒भया॑ कवे ।
दू॒तो जन्ये॑व॒ मित्र्यः॑ ॥
antáḥ hí agne ī́yase vidvā́n jánma ubháyā kave ǀ
dūtáḥ jányā-iva mítryaḥ ǁ
O Fire, O seer, thou movest within having knowledge of both the Births2; thou art like a messenger from a friendly people3.
स वि॒द्वाँ आ च॑ पिप्रयो॒ यक्षि॑ चिकित्व आनु॒षक् ।
आ चा॒स्मिन्त्स॑त्सि ब॒र्हिषि॑ ॥
sáḥ vidvā́n ā́ ca piprayaḥ yákṣi cikitvaḥ ānuṣák ǀ
ā́ ca asmín satsi barhíṣi ǁ
Come with thy knowledge, O Conscious Fire, and fill us; perform the unbroken order of the sacrifice. Take thy seat on the sacred grass of our altar.
1 Or, free from all littleness;
2 Or, as one who has knowledge between both Births;
3 Or, like a friendly universal messenger.