Hymns to the Mystic Fire
Somahūti Bhārgava |
Sukta 7
श्रेष्ठं॑ यविष्ठ भार॒ताग्ने॑ द्यु॒मंत॒मा भ॑र ।
वसो॑ पुरु॒स्पृहं॑ र॒यिं ॥
śréṣṭham yaviṣṭha bhārata ágne dyu-mántam ā́ bhara ǀ
váso␣íti puru-spṛ́ham rayím ǁ
O Fire, O Youngest Power! Fire of the Bringers, Prince of the Treasure, bring to us a wealth, the best, made all of light and packed with our many desires.
मा नो॒ अरा॑तिरीशत दे॒वस्य॒ मर्त्य॑स्य च ।
पर्षि॒ तस्या॑ उ॒त द्वि॒षः ॥
mā́ naḥ árātiḥ īśata devásya mártyasya ca ǀ
párṣi tásyāḥ utá dviṣáḥ ǁ
Let not the Force that wars against us master the God and the mortal1; carry us beyond that hostile power.
विश्वा॑ उ॒त त्वया॑ व॒यं धारा॑ उद॒न्या॑ इव ।
अति॑ गाहेमहि॒ द्विषः॑ ॥
víśvāḥ utá tváyā vayám dhā́rāḥ udanyā́ḥ-iva ǀ
áti gāhemahi dvíṣaḥ ǁ
And so by thee may we plunge and pass beyond all hostile forces as through streams of rushing water.
शुचिः॑ पावक॒ वंद्योऽग्ने॑ बृ॒हद्वि रो॑चसे ।
त्वं घृ॒तेभि॒राहु॑तः ॥
śúciḥ pāvaka vándyaḥ ágne bṛhát ví rocase ǀ
tvám ghṛtébhiḥ ā́-hutaḥ ǁ
O cleansing Fire, thou art pure and adorable; vast is the beauty of thy light fed with the clarities.
त्वं नो॑ असि भार॒ताग्ने॑ व॒शाभि॑रु॒क्षभिः॑ ।
अ॒ष्टाप॑दीभि॒राहु॑तः ॥
tvám naḥ asi bhārata ágne vaśā́bhiḥ ukṣá-bhiḥ ǀ
aṣṭā́-padībhiḥ ā́-hutaḥ ǁ
O Fire of the Bringers, thou art called by2 our bulls and our heifers and by our eight-footed Kine3.
द्र्व॑न्नः स॒र्पिरा॑सुतिः प्र॒त्नो होता॒ वरे॑ण्यः ।
सह॑सस्पु॒त्रो अद्भु॑तः ॥
drú-annaḥ sarpíḥ-āsutiḥ pratnáḥ hótā váreṇyaḥ ǀ
sáhasaḥ putráḥ ádbhutaḥ ǁ
This is the eater of the Tree for whom is poured the running butter of the Light; this is the Desirable, the ancient, the Priest of the call, the Wonderful, the son of Force.
1 Or, against us, God and mortal, overmaster us;
2 Or, fed with
3 Or, by our bulls and by our barren and pregnant kine. Aṣtāpadī literally eight-footed.