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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Somahūti Bhārgava

Sukta 4


हु॒वे वः॑ सु॒द्योत्मा॑नं सुवृ॒क्तिं वि॒शाम॒ग्निमति॑थिं सुप्र॒यसं॑ ।

मि॒त्र इ॑व॒ यो दि॑धि॒षाय्यो॒ भूद्दे॒व आदे॑वे॒ जने॑ जा॒तवे॑दाः ॥

huvé vaḥ su-dyótmānam su-vṛktím viśā́m agním átithim su-prayásam ǀ

mitráḥ-iva yáḥ didhiṣā́yyaḥ bhū́t deváḥ ā́-deve jáne jātá-vedāḥ ǁ

I call to you the Fire with his strong delights and his splendours of light, Fire who strips all sin from us, the guest of the peoples. He becomes like a supporting friend, he becomes the God who knows all things born in the man with whom are the Gods1.


इ॒मं वि॒धंतो॑ अ॒पां स॒धस्थे॑ द्वि॒ताद॑धु॒र्भृग॑वो वि॒क्ष्वा॒३่योः ।

ए॒ष विश्वा॑न्य॒भ्य॑स्तु॒ भूमा॑ दे॒वाना॑म॒ग्निर॑र॒तिर्जी॒राश्वः॑ ॥

imám vidhántaḥ apā́m sadhá-sthe dvitā́ adadhuḥ bhṛ́gavaḥ vikṣú āyóḥ ǀ

eṣáḥ víśvāni abhí astu bhū́ma devā́nām agníḥ aratíḥ jīrá-aśvaḥ ǁ

The Bhrigus worshipping in the session of the Waters set him a twofold Light in the peoples of Man. May he master all planes prevailing vastly, Fire the traveller of the Gods with his rapid horses.


अ॒ग्निं दे॒वासो॒ मानु॑षीषु वि॒क्षु प्रि॒यं धुः॑ क्षे॒ष्यंतो॒ न मि॒त्रं ।

स दी॑दयदुश॒तीरूर्म्या॒ आ द॒क्षाय्यो॒ यो दास्व॑ते॒ दम॒ आ ॥

agním devā́saḥ mā́nuṣīṣu vikṣú priyám dhuḥ kṣeṣyántaḥ ná mitrám ǀ

sáḥ dīdayat uśatī́ḥ ū́rmyāḥ ā́ dakṣā́yyaḥ yáḥ dā́svate dáme ā́ ǁ

As men who would settle in a home bring into it a beloved friend, the Gods have set the Fire in these human peoples. Let him illumine the desire of the billowing nights, let him be one full of discerning mind in the house for the giver of sacrifice.


अ॒स्य र॒ण्वा स्वस्ये॑व पु॒ष्टिः संदृ॑ष्टिरस्य हिया॒नस्य॒ दक्षोः॑ ।

वि यो भरि॑भ्र॒दोष॑धीषु जि॒ह्वामत्यो॒ न रथ्यो॑ दोधवीति॒ वारा॑न् ॥

asyá raṇvā́ svásya-iva puṣṭíḥ sám-dṛṣṭiḥ asya hiyānásya dhákṣoḥ ǀ

ví yáḥ bháribhrat óṣadhīṣu jihvā́m átyaḥ ná ráthyaḥ dodhavīti vā́rān ǁ

Delightful is his growth as if one’s own increase, rapturous is his vision as he gallops burning on his way. He darts about his tongue mid the growths of the forest and tosses his mane like a chariot courser.


आ यन्मे॒ अभ्वं॑ व॒नदः॒ पनं॑तो॒शिग्भ्यो॒ नामि॑मीत॒ वर्णं॑ ।

स चि॒त्रेण॑ चिकिते॒ रंसु॑ भा॒सा जु॑जु॒र्वाँ यो मुहु॒रा युवा॒ भूत् ॥

ā́ yát me ábhvam vanádaḥ pánanta uśík-bhyaḥ ná amimīta várṇam ǀ

sáḥ citréṇa cikite rám-su bhāsā́ jujurvā́n yáḥ múhuḥ ā́ yúvā bhū́t ǁ

When my thoughts enjoying him chant his mightiness, he shapes hue of kind as if to our desire. He awakes to knowledge in men that have the ecstasy by the rich diversity of his light; old and outworn he grows young again and again.


आ यो वना॑ तातृषा॒णो न भाति॒ वार्ण प॒था रथ्ये॑व स्वानीत् ।

कृ॒ष्णाध्वा॒ तपू॑ र॒ण्वश्चि॑केत॒ द्यौरि॑व॒ स्मय॑मानो॒ नभो॑भिः ॥

ā́ yáḥ vánā tatṛṣāṇáḥ ná bhā́ti vā́ḥ ná pathā́ ráthyā-iva svānīt ǀ

kṛṣṇá-adhvā tápuḥ raṇváḥ ciketa dyáuḥ-iva smáyamānaḥ nábhaḥ-bhiḥ ǁ

Like one who thirsts he lifts his light on the forests; his roar is like the cry of waters on their path, he neighs like a chariot war-horse. Black is his trail, burning his heat; he is full of rapture and awakes to knowledge: he is like Father Heaven smiling with his starry spaces.


स यो व्यस्था॑द॒भि दक्ष॑दु॒र्वीं प॒शुर्नैति॑ स्व॒युरगो॑पाः ।

अ॒ग्निः शो॒चिष्माँ॑ अत॒सान्यु॒ष्णन्कृ॒ष्णव्य॑थिरस्वदय॒न्न भूम॑ ॥

sáḥ yáḥ ví ásthāt abhí dhákṣat urvī́m paśúḥ ná eti sva-yúḥ ágopāḥ ǀ

agníḥ śocíṣmān atasā́ni uṣṇán kṛṣṇá-vyathiḥ asvadayat ná bhū́ma ǁ

He starts on his journey to burn through all wide earth and moves like a beast that wanders at will and has no keeper; Fire with his blazing light and his black affliction assails the dry trunks with his heat as if he tasted the vastness.


नू ते॒ पूर्व॒स्याव॑सो॒ अधी॑तौ तृ॒तीये॑ वि॒दथे॒ मन्म॑ शंसि ।

अ॒स्मे अ॑ग्ने सं॒यद्वी॑रं बृ॒हंतं॑ क्षु॒मंतं॒ वाजं॑ स्वप॒त्यं र॒यिं दाः॑ ॥

nú te pū́rvasya ávasaḥ ádhi-itau tṛtī́ye vidáthe mánma śaṃsi ǀ

asmé␣íti agne saṃyát-vīram bṛhántam kṣu-mántam vā́jam su-apatyám rayím dāḥ ǁ

Now in our mind’s return on thy former safe-guarding, our thought has been spoken in the third session of the knowledge. O Fire, give us the treasure with its children; give us a vast and opulent plenitude where the heroes assemble.


त्वया॒ यथा॑ गृत्सम॒दासो॑ अग्ने॒ गुहा॑ व॒न्वंत॒ उप॑राँ अ॒भि ष्युः ।

सु॒वीरा॑सो अभिमाति॒षाहः॒ स्मत्सू॒रिभ्यो॑ गृण॒ते तद्वयो॑ धाः ॥

tváyā yáthā gṛtsa-madā́saḥ agne gúhā vanvántaḥ úparān abhí syúríti␣syúḥ ǀ

su-vī́rāsaḥ abhimāti-sáhaḥ smát sūrí-bhyaḥ gṛṇaté tát váyaḥ dhāḥ ǁ

To the luminous Wise Ones and to him who voices thee, O Fire, be the founder of their growth and expansion, that the Gritsamadas strong with the strength of the Heroes and overcoming the hostile forces may conquer the higher worlds by thy force and take delight of2 the secret inner spaces.


1 Or, in all from men to the Gods.


2 Or, win
