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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Pāyu Bhāradvāja

Sukta 87


र॒क्षो॒हणं॑ वा॒जिन॒मा जि॑घर्मि मि॒त्रं प्रथि॑ष्ठ॒मुप॑ यामि॒ शर्म॑ ।

शिशा॑नो अ॒ग्निः क्रतु॑भिः॒ समि॑द्धः॒ स नो॒ दिवा॒ स रि॒षः पा॑तु॒ नक्तं॑ ॥

rakṣaḥ-hánam vājínam ā́ jigharmi mitrám práthiṣṭham úpa yāmi śárma ǀ

śíśānaḥ agníḥ krátu-bhiḥ sám-iddhaḥ sáḥ naḥ dívā sáḥ riṣáḥ pātu náktam ǁ

I set ablaze Fire of the plenitude, the slayer of the Rakshasas, I approach him as a friend and the widest house of refuge1; the Fire has been kindled and grows intense by the workings of the will, may he protect us from the doer of hurt, by the day and by the night.


अयो॑दंष्ट्रो अ॒र्चिषा॑ यातु॒धाना॒नुप॑ स्पृश जातवेदः॒ समि॑द्धः ।

आ जि॒ह्वया॒ मूर॑देवान्रभस्व क्र॒व्यादो॑ वृ॒क्त्व्यपि॑ धत्स्वा॒सन् ॥

áyaḥ-daṃṣṭraḥ arcíṣā yātu-dhā́nān úpa spṛśa jāta-vedaḥ sám-iddhaḥ ǀ

ā́ jihváyā mū́ra-devān rabhasva kravya-ádaḥ vṛktvī́ ápi dhatsva āsán ǁ

O knower of all things born, high-kindled, iron-tusked, touch with thy ray the demon-sorcerers; do violence to him with thy tongue of flame, the gods who kill2, the eaters of flesh, putting them off from us shut them into thy mouth.


उ॒भोभ॑यावि॒न्नुप॑ धेहि॒ दंष्ट्रा॑ हिं॒स्रः शिशा॒नोऽव॑रं॒ परं॑ च ।

उ॒तांतरि॑क्षे॒ परि॑ याहि राजं॒जंभैः॒ सं धे॑ह्य॒भि या॑तु॒धाना॑न् ॥

ubhā́ ubhayāvin úpa dhehi dáṃṣṭrā hiṃsráḥ śíśānaḥ ávaram páram ca ǀ

utá antárikṣe pári yāhi rājan jámbhaiḥ sám dhehi abhí yātu-dhā́nān ǁ

Destruction, whetting set upon them both thy tusks, the higher and the lower, O thou who art of both worlds3, thou circle in the mid-air, O king, and snap up in thy jaws the demon-sorcerers.


य॒ज्ञैरिषूः॑ सं॒नम॑मानो अग्ने वा॒चा श॒ल्याँ अ॒शनि॑भिर्दिहा॒नः ।

ताभि॑र्विध्य॒ हृद॑ये यातु॒धाना॑न्प्रती॒चो बा॒हून्प्रति॑ भङ्ध्येषां ॥

yajñáiḥ íṣūḥ sam-námamānaḥ agne vācā́ śalyā́n aśáni-bhiḥ dihānáḥ ǀ

tā́bhiḥ vidhya hṛ́daye yātu-dhā́nān pratīcáḥ bāhū́n práti bhaṅdhi eṣām ǁ

Turning on them by our sacrifices thy arrows, O Fire, by our speech thy javelins, plastering them with thy thunderbolts pierce with these in their hearts the demon-sorcerers who confront us, break their arms.


अग्ने॒ त्वचं॑ यातु॒धान॑स्य भिंधि हिं॒स्राशनि॒र्हर॑सा हंत्वेनं ।

प्र पर्वा॑णि जातवेदः शृणीहि क्र॒व्यात्क्र॑वि॒ष्णुर्वि चि॑नोतु वृ॒क्णं ॥

ágne tvácam yātu-dhā́nasya bhindhi hiṃsrā́ aśániḥ hárasā hantu enam ǀ

prá párvāṇi jāta-vedaḥ śṛṇīhi kravya-át kraviṣṇúḥ ví cinotu vṛkṇám ǁ

O Fire, tear the skin of the demon-sorcerer; let the cruel thunderbolt slay him in its wrath; rend his limbs, O knower of all things born; hungry for its flesh let the carrion-eater pick asunder his mangled body.


यत्रे॒दानीं॒ पश्य॑सि जातवेद॒स्तिष्ठं॑तमग्न उ॒त वा॒ चरं॑तं ।

यद्वां॒तरि॑क्षे प॒थिभिः॒ पतं॑तं॒ तमस्ता॑ विध्य॒ शर्वा॒ शिशा॑नः ॥

yátra idā́nīm páśyasi jāta-vedaḥ tíṣṭhantam agne utá vā cárantam ǀ

yát vā antárikṣe pathí-bhiḥ pátantam tám ástā vidhya śárvā śíśānaḥ ǁ

Wherever now thou seest him, O knower of all things born, whether standing or walking, or flying on the paths in the mid-air, a shooter sharpening his weapon, pierce him with thy arrow.


उ॒ताल॑ब्धं स्पृणुहि जातवेद आलेभा॒नादृ॒ष्टिभि॑र्यातु॒धाना॑त् ।

अग्ने॒ पूर्वो॒ नि ज॑हि॒ शोशु॑चान आ॒मादः॒ क्ष्विंका॒स्तम॑दं॒त्वेनीः॑ ॥

utá ā́-labdham spṛṇuhi jāta-vedaḥ ā-lebhānā́t ṛṣṭí-bhiḥ yātu-dhā́nāt ǀ

ágne pū́rvaḥ ní jahi śóśucānaḥ āma-ádaḥ kṣvíṅkāḥ tám adantu énīḥ ǁ

Rescue from the assault of the demon-sorcerer with his spears the man touched by his grasp, O knower of all things born, O Fire, blazing supreme slay these devourers of the flesh; let the brilliant birds of prey eat him up.


इ॒ह प्र ब्रू॑हि यत॒मः सो अ॑ग्ने॒ यो या॑तु॒धानो॒ य इ॒दं कृ॒णोति॑ ।

तमा र॑भस्व स॒मिधा॑ यविष्ठ नृ॒चक्ष॑स॒श्चक्षु॑षे रंधयैनं ॥

ihá prá brūhi yatamáḥ sáḥ agne yáḥ yātu-dhā́naḥ yáḥ idám kṛṇóti ǀ

tám ā́ rabhasva sam-ídhā yaviṣṭha nṛ-cákṣasaḥ cákṣuṣe randhaya enam ǁ

Here proclaim which is he, O Fire, what demon-sorcerer, who is the doer of this deed? To him do violence with thy blaze, O youthful god, subject him to the eye of thy divine vision.


ती॒क्ष्णेना॑ग्ने॒ चक्षु॑षा रक्ष य॒ज्ञं प्रांचं॒ वसु॑भ्यः॒ प्र ण॑य प्रचेतः ।

हिं॒स्रं रक्षां॑स्य॒भि शोशु॑चानं॒ मा त्वा॑ दभन्यातु॒धाना॑ नृचक्षः ॥

tīkṣṇéna agne cákṣuṣā rakṣa yajñám prā́ñcam vásu-bhyaḥ prá naya pra-cetaḥ ǀ

hiṃsrám rákṣāṃsi abhí śóśucānam mā́ tvā dabhan yātu-dhā́nāḥ nṛ-cakṣaḥ ǁ

O Fire, guard with thy keen eye the sacrifice, lead it moving forward to the Shining Ones, O conscious thinker; O thou of the divine vision, when thou blazest fierce against the Rakshasas let not the demon-sorcerers overcome thee.


नृ॒चक्षा॒ रक्षः॒ परि॑ पश्य वि॒क्षु तस्य॒ त्रीणि॒ प्रति॑ शृणी॒ह्यग्रा॑ ।

तस्या॑ग्ने पृ॒ष्टीर्हर॑सा शृणीहि त्रे॒धा मूलं॑ यातु॒धान॑स्य वृश्च ॥

nṛ-cákṣāḥ rákṣaḥ pári paśya vikṣú tásya trī́ṇi práti śṛṇīhi ágrā ǀ

tásya agne pṛṣṭī́ḥ hárasā śṛṇīhi tredhā́ mū́lam yātu-dhā́nasya vṛśca ǁ

Divine of vision, see everywhere the Rakshasa in the peoples, cleave the three peaks of him; his flanks, O Fire, cleave with thy wrath, rend asunder the triple root of the demon-sorcerer.


त्रिर्या॑तु॒धानः॒ प्रसि॑तिं त एत्वृ॒तं यो अ॑ग्ने॒ अनृ॑तेन॒ हंति॑ ।

तम॒र्चिषा॑ स्फू॒र्जयं॑जातवेदः सम॒क्षमे॑नं गृण॒ते नि वृ॑ङ्धि ॥

tríḥ yātu-dhā́naḥ prá-sitim te etu ṛtám yáḥ agne ánṛtena hánti ǀ

tám arcíṣā sphūrjáyan jāta-vedaḥ sam-akṣám enam gṛṇaté ní vṛṅdhi ǁ

Triply may the demon-sorcerer undergo thy onrush, he who slays the Truth by falsehood; him overspreading with thy ray, O knower of all things born, fell down in front of him who hymns thee.


तद॑ग्ने॒ चक्षुः॒ प्रति॑ धेहि रे॒भे श॑फा॒रुजं॒ येन॒ पश्य॑सि यातु॒धानं॑ ।

अ॒थ॒र्व॒वज्ज्योति॑षा॒ दैव्ये॑न स॒त्यं धूर्वं॑तम॒चितं॒ न्यो॑ष ॥

tát agne cákṣuḥ práti dhehi rebhé śapha-ārújam yéna páśyasi yātu-dhā́nam ǀ

atharva-vát jyótiṣā dáivyena satyám dhū́rvantam acítam ní oṣa ǁ

Set in thy singer, O Fire, the eye with which thou seest the trampler with his hooves, the demon-sorcerer; even as did Atharvan, burn with the divine Light this being without knowledge who does hurt to the Truth.


यद॑ग्ने अ॒द्य मि॑थु॒ना शपा॑तो॒ यद्वा॒चस्तृ॒ष्टं ज॒नयं॑त रे॒भाः ।

म॒न्योर्मन॑सः शर॒व्या॒३่ जाय॑ते॒ या तया॑ विध्य॒ हृद॑ये यातु॒धाना॑न् ॥

yát agne adyá mithunā́ śápātaḥ yát vācáḥ tṛṣṭám janáyanta rebhā́ḥ ǀ

manyóḥ mánasaḥ śaravyā́ jā́yate yā́ táyā vidhya hṛ́daye yātu-dhā́nān ǁ

The cursing with which today couples revile each other, the curses which are born in the imprecations of the singers, the arrow which is born from the mind of wrath, with that pierce through the heart the demon-sorcerers.


परा॑ शृणीहि॒ तप॑सा यातु॒धाना॒न्परा॑ग्ने॒ रक्षो॒ हर॑सा शृणीहि ।

परा॒र्चिषा॒ मूर॑देवांछृणीहि॒ परा॑सु॒तृपो॑ अ॒भि शोशु॑चानः ॥

párā śṛṇīhi tápasā yātu-dhā́nān párā agne rákṣaḥ hárasā śṛṇīhi ǀ

párā arcíṣā mū́ra-devān śṛṇīhi párā asu-tṛ́paḥ abhí śóśucānaḥ ǁ

Away from us cleave by thy burning energy the demon-sorcerers, away from us cleave by the heat of thy wrath the Rakshasa, O Fire, away from us cleave by thy ray these slayer gods4, blazing away from us cleave these who glut themselves with men’s lives.


परा॒द्य दे॒वा वृ॑जि॒नं शृ॑णंतु प्र॒त्यगे॑नं श॒पथा॑ यंतु तृ॒ष्टाः ।

वा॒चास्ते॑नं॒ शर॑व ऋच्छंतु॒ मर्म॒न्विश्व॑स्यैतु॒ प्रसि॑तिं यातु॒धानः॑ ॥

párā adyá devā́ḥ vṛjinám śṛṇantu pratyák enam śapáthāḥ yantu tṛṣṭā́ḥ ǀ

vācā́-stenam śáravaḥ ṛcchantu márman víśvasya etu prá-sitim yātu-dhā́naḥ ǁ

May the gods cleave away today the crooked one, may harsh curses come to confront him, may the shafts enter into the vital part of one who thieves by speech, may he undergo the onset of each and every one, the demon-sorcerer.


यः पौरु॑षेयेण क्र॒विषा॑ समं॒क्ते यो अश्व्ये॑न प॒शुना॑ यातु॒धानः॑ ।

यो अ॒घ्न्याया॒ भर॑ति क्षी॒रम॑ग्ने॒ तेषां॑ शी॒र्षाणि॒ हर॒सापि॑ वृश्च ॥

yáḥ páuruṣeyeṇa kravíṣā sam-aṅkté yáḥ áśvyena paśúnā yātu-dhā́naḥ ǀ

yáḥ aghnyā́yāḥ bhárati kṣīrám agne téṣām śīrṣā́ṇi hárasā ápi vṛśca ǁ

The demon-sorcerer who feeds on the flesh of human beings, who feeds on horses and on cattle, the one who carries away the milk of the Cow unslayable, cut asunder their necks with the flame of thy anger, O Fire.


सं॒व॒त्स॒रीणं॒ पय॑ उ॒स्रिया॑या॒स्तस्य॒ माशी॑द्यातु॒धानो॑ नृचक्षः ।

पी॒यूष॑मग्ने यत॒मस्तितृ॑प्सा॒त्तं प्र॒त्यंच॑म॒र्चिषा॑ विध्य॒ मर्म॑न् ॥

saṃvatsarī́ṇam páyaḥ usríyāyāḥ tásya mā́ aśīt yātu-dhā́naḥ nṛ-cakṣaḥ ǀ

pīyū́ṣam agne yatamáḥ títṛpsāt tám pratyáñcam arcíṣā vidhya márman ǁ

O thou who hast the divine vision, let not the demon-sorcerer partake of the yearly milk of the shining cow; O Fire, whichever of them would glut himself on the nectar him pierce in front in his vital part with thy ray of light.


वि॒षं गवां॑ यातु॒धानाः॑ पिबं॒त्वा वृ॑श्च्यंता॒मदि॑तये दु॒रेवाः॑ ।

परै॑नांदे॒वः स॑वि॒ता द॑दातु॒ परा॑ भा॒गमोष॑धीनां जयंतां ॥

viṣám gávām yātu-dhā́nāḥ pibantu ā́ vṛścyantām áditaye duḥ-évāḥ ǀ

párā enān deváḥ savitā́ dadātu párā bhāgám óṣadhīnām jayantām ǁ

May the demon-sorcerers drink poison from the Ray-Cows, may they be cloven asunder who are of evil impulse before the infinite mother, may the divine sun betray them to thee, may they be deprived of their share of the growths of earth.


स॒नाद॑ग्ने मृणसि यातु॒धाना॒न्न त्वा॒ रक्षां॑सि॒ पृत॑नासु जिग्युः ।

अनु॑ दह स॒हमू॑रान्क्र॒व्यादो॒ मा ते॑ हे॒त्या मु॑क्षत॒ दैव्या॑याः ॥

sanā́t agne mṛṇasi yātu-dhā́nān ná tvā rákṣāṃsi pṛ́tanāsu jigyuḥ ǀ

ánu daha sahá-mūrān kravya-ádaḥ mā́ te hetyā́ḥ mukṣata dáivyāyāḥ ǁ

Ever dost thou crush the demon-sorcerer, O Fire, never have the Rakshasas conquered thee in the battles; burn one by one from their roots the eaters of raw flesh, may they find no release from thy divine missile.


त्वं नो॑ अग्ने अध॒रादुद॑क्ता॒त्त्वं प॒श्चादु॒त र॑क्षा पु॒रस्ता॑त् ।

प्रति॒ ते ते॑ अ॒जरा॑स॒स्तपि॑ष्ठा अ॒घशं॑सं॒ शोशु॑चतो दहंतु ॥

tvám naḥ agne adharā́t údaktāt tvám paścā́t utá rakṣa purástāt ǀ

práti té te ajárāsaḥ tápiṣṭhāḥ aghá-śaṃsam śóśucataḥ dahantu ǁ

O Fire, do thou guard us from above and from below, thou from behind and from the front; may those most burning ageless flames of thine blazing burn one who is a voice of evil.


प॒श्चात्पु॒रस्ता॑दध॒रादुद॑क्तात्क॒विः काव्ये॑न॒ परि॑ पाहि राजन् ।

सखे॒ सखा॑यम॒जरो॑ जरि॒म्णेऽग्ने॒ मर्ताँ॒ अम॑र्त्य॒स्त्वं नः॑ ॥

paścā́t purástāt adharā́t údaktāt kavíḥ kā́vyena pári pāhi rājan ǀ

sákhe sákhāyam ajáraḥ jarimṇé ágne mártān ámartyaḥ tvám naḥ ǁ

From behind and from in front, from below and from above, a seer by thy seer-wisdom protect us, O king; a friend protect thy friend, ageless protect from old age, immortal protect us who are mortals, O Fire.


परि॑ त्वाग्ने॒ पुरं॑ व॒यं विप्रं॑ सहस्य धीमहि ।

धृ॒षद्व॑र्णं दि॒वेदि॑वे हं॒तारं॑ भंगु॒राव॑तां ॥

pári tvā agne púram vayám vípram sahasya dhīmahi ǀ

dhṛṣát-varṇam divé-dive hantā́ram bhaṅgurá-vatām ǁ

O forceful Fire, let us think of thee, the illumined sage as a fortress around us, one violent of aspect, slayer from day to day of the crooked ones.


वि॒षेण॑ भंगु॒राव॑तः॒ प्रति॑ ष्म र॒क्षसो॑ दह ।

अग्ने॑ ति॒ग्मेन॑ शो॒चिषा॒ तपु॑रग्राभिर्ऋ॒ष्टिभिः॑ ॥

viṣéṇa bhaṅgurá-vataḥ práti sma rakṣásaḥ daha ǀ

ágne tigména śocíṣā tápuḥ-agrābhiḥ ṛṣṭí-bhiḥ ǁ

Consume with poison the crooked Rakshasas; O Fire, burn them with thy keen flame, with thy fiery-pointed spears.


प्रत्य॑ग्ने मिथु॒ना द॑ह यातु॒धाना॑ किमी॒दिना॑ ।

सं त्वा॑ शिशामि जागृ॒ह्यद॑ब्धं विप्र॒ मन्म॑भिः ॥

práti agne mithunā́ daha yātu-dhā́nā kimīdínā ǀ

sám tvā śiśāmi jāgṛhí ádabdham vipra mánma-bhiḥ ǁ

Burn the bewildered demon-sorcerer couples; I thee whet to sharpness, inviolate, with my thoughts, O illumined sage; awake.


प्रत्य॑ग्ने॒ हर॑सा॒ हरः॑ शृणी॒हि वि॒श्वतः॒ प्रति॑ ।

या॒तु॒धान॑स्य र॒क्षसो॒ बलं॒ वि रु॑ज वी॒र्यं॑ ॥

práti agne hárasā háraḥ śṛṇīhí viśvátaḥ práti ǀ

yātu-dhā́nasya rakṣásaḥ bálam ví ruja vīryám ǁ

O Fire, cleave asunder their wrath with thy flame of wrath to every side; break utterly the strength, the energy of the Rakshasa, of the demon-sorcerer.


1 Or, a widest peace;


2 Or, the gods of ignorance,


3 Or, O thou who hast both,


4 Or, the gods of ignorance,
