Hymns to the Mystic Fire
Śyāvāśva Ātreya |
Sukta 38
य॒ज्ञस्य॒ हि स्थ ऋ॒त्विजा॒ सस्नी॒ वाजे॑षु॒ कर्म॑सु ।
इंद्रा॑ग्नी॒ तस्य॑ बोधतं ॥
yajñásya hí stháḥ ṛtvíjā sásnī␣íti vā́jeṣu kárma-su ǀ
índrāgnī␣íti tásya bodhatam ǁ
You (two) are the ritual-priests of the sacrifice, conquerors in our plenitudes and our works; to this awake, O Indra, O Fire.
तो॒शासा॑ रथ॒यावा॑ना वृत्र॒हणाप॑राजिता ।
इंद्रा॑ग्नी॒ तस्य॑ बोधतं ॥
tośā́sā ratha-yā́vānā vṛtra-hánā áparā-jitā ǀ
índrāgnī␣íti tásya bodhatam ǁ
O smiters who journey in the chariot, slayers of the coverer, ever unconquered — to this awake, O Indra, O Fire.
इ॒दं वां॑ मदि॒रं मध्वधु॑क्ष॒न्नद्रि॑भि॒र्नरः॑ ।
इंद्रा॑ग्नी॒ तस्य॑ बोधतं ॥
idám vām madirám mádhu ádhukṣan ádri-bhiḥ náraḥ ǀ
índrāgnī␣íti tásya bodhatam ǁ
Men have pressed out for you by the stones this rapturous honey-wine — to this awake, O Indra, O Fire.
जु॒षेथां॑ य॒ज्ञमि॒ष्टये॑ सु॒तं सोमं॑ सधस्तुती ।
इंद्रा॑ग्नी॒ आ ग॑तं नरा ॥
juṣéthām yajñám iṣṭáye sutám sómam sadhastutī␣íti␣sadha-stutī ǀ
índrāgnī␣íti ā́ gatam narā ǁ
Take pleasure in the sacrifice, for the sacrifice come to the Soma-wine pressed out, gods to whom rises the common laud, O Indra, O Fire.
इ॒मा जु॑षेथां॒ सव॑ना॒ येभि॑र्ह॒व्यान्यू॒हथुः॑ ।
इंद्रा॑ग्नी॒ आ ग॑तं नरा ॥
imā́ juṣethām sávanā yébhiḥ havyā́ni ūháthuḥ ǀ
índrāgnī␣íti ā́ gatam narā ǁ
May you take pleasure in these Soma-pressings by them who have the offering, — O gods come to us, O Indra, O Fire.
इ॒मां गा॑य॒त्रव॑र्तनिं जु॒षेथां॑ सुष्टु॒तिं मम॑ ।
इंद्रा॑ग्नी॒ आ ग॑तं नरा ॥
imā́m gāyatrá-vartanim juṣéthām su-stutím máma ǀ
índrāgnī␣íti ā́ gatam narā ǁ
May you take pleasure in this laud of mine, this path of song, O gods, come to us, O Indra, O Fire.
प्रा॒त॒र्याव॑भि॒रा ग॑तं दे॒वेभि॑र्जेन्यावसू ।
इंद्रा॑ग्नी॒ सोम॑पीतये ॥
prātaryā́va-bhiḥ ā́ gatam devébhiḥ jenyāvasū␣íti ǀ
índrāgnī␣íti sóma-pītaye ǁ
Come for the drink of the Soma-wine with the gods who arrive at dawn, you who have the victor-riches1, O Indra, O Fire.
श्या॒वाश्व॑स्य सुन्व॒तोऽत्री॑णां शृणुतं॒ हवं॑ ।
इंद्रा॑ग्नी॒ सोम॑पीतये ॥
śyāvá-aśvasya sunvatáḥ átrīṇām śṛṇutam hávam ǀ
índrāgnī␣íti sóma-pītaye ǁ
Hear the call of the Atris, of Shyavashwa2 pressing the wine, come for the drinking of the Soma, O Indra, O Fire.
ए॒वा वा॑मह्व ऊ॒तये॒ यथाहु॑वंत॒ मेधि॑राः ।
इंद्रा॑ग्नी॒ सोम॑पीतये ॥
evá vām ahve ūtáye yáthā áhuvanta médhirāḥ ǀ
índrāgnī␣íti sóma-pītaye ǁ
Thus have I called you for protection as the wise have ever called you, for the drinking of the Soma (wine), O Indra, O Fire.
आहं सर॑स्वतीवतोरिंद्रा॒ग्न्योरवो॑ वृणे ।
याभ्यां॑ गाय॒त्रमृ॒च्यते॑ ॥
ā́ ahám sárasvatī-vatoḥ indrāgnyóḥ ávaḥ vṛṇe ǀ
yā́bhyām gāyatrám ṛcyáte ǁ
I choose the protection of Indra and the Fire with Saraswati at their side, for whom the sacred song breaks into light3.
1 Or, you who have the riches which are for the victor, or the true riches,
2 He who has the bay-horse.
3 Or, is chanted.